Thursday 12 July 2012

Free Pets to Good Home ? Blog Archive ? How To Nurse A Skinny ...

The North American Horse council asserts more than 170,000 horses are unwanted in the US. It?s not any surprise that horse sales appear to feature more and more horses or that the number of horses ?released? to the range keeps rocketing.

Neither is it anything to wonder about that there?s been a gigantic increase in the population of underfed horses. Good Samaritans adopt or shelter some of the more fortunate of these horses, but the problem here is that the majority of these Samaritans are not really conscious of the best way to bring malnourished horses back to excellent health.

Are you a good Samaritan for horses? If that is the case here?s some guidance for you: the last thing you do is ?stuff? an undernourished horse in the hope he?ll get plump again. Leading an undernourished horse to a pile of food is almost certainly going to prove less than productive because the potential of the horse?s digestive process will have been weakened. It is far better that you stick to these 3 steps.

Step 1: Get to the root

Malnourished horses will most probably have developed health issues, and your initial step should to identify and treat any issues like this. Generally these issues include:

- Teeth that really must be floated instantly

- Bugs and worms to be eliminated

- Energy loss

- Injury and/or stress and pain.

The top three issues are simple to ascertain and treat, but things aren?t going to be so easy with the fourth issue. It is truly possible that stress or agony has brought about ulcers or upset digestion. The horse could have lost more weight because of this. The digestive processes of horses in this condition can be eased and slowly brought back to normal with SUCCEED, Stomach Soother or KAM UF (Ulcer Formula).

You address each issue listed by logic and concern. For instance, floating should be done immediately with a horse suffering from bad or damaged teeth, or the horse is going to have issues masticating feed.

Step 2: Feeding the thin pony

After you have begun treatment of the more pressing issues, you start feeding the pony according to a plan. The diet should be nourishing, but quantities should be limited at the start. Care must be taken to guarantee correct digestion. There is a mistaken belief that thin horses must be fed tons of rich feed that is loaded in fat. Horses that have become skinny because of food deprivation will also have developed flawed digestive tracts. They must be nursed back to health slowly.

It is better to stick to a diet plan that envisages frequent meals of smaller quantity. This will enable the pony to digest the food and recover its digestive powers. If energy levels are low, slowly build up to a pound and a half of pelleted feed or grain for each 100 pounds of pony weight. Extra benefit can be procured by adding a little bit of oil or rice bran. If the pony shies away from grain, you can try alfalfa, which is eminently appropriate for weight gain in fussy eaters or horses with ulcers.

In case the horse appears to have fairly standard energy levels, you must concentrate on more hay and less grain in the diet. Again, vegetable oil or rice bran will aid weight gain. Another excellent food for weight gain is doused pulp of beet.

Step 3: Supplements

After you?ve arrived at the best basic diet, you have to work on supplements that will bolster the horse?s digestive processes. Enzymes are good at helping the horse take the maximum nourishment from his feed. Digestion is eased with probiotics, which also heal the gut and strengthen the immunity mechanism. Simplexity Health?s acidophilus and bifidus have excellent probiotic content, as do Conklin?s Fastrack, Equilite/Arenus?s PreProbiotics and ABC?s Pro-Bi.

Eleviv from XanGo is a highly effective herbal supplement for horses suffering from stress or trauma. It helps restore the horse?s nerve system to normalcy. Simplexity Health?s blue-green algae, Omega Sun, provides elevated levels of nutrition for horses without adding to nervous energy.

To wrap up, you must also think about digestion-boosting herbs like greasy elm, aloe vera or marshmallow root.

Nursing an undernourished horse

Getting back an undernourished horse to the pink of health isn?t going to be a matter of a few days. The process is sure to take time, and the more the complications present, the more the time that?ll be taken. If you approach the problem the right way, by addressing the health problems before the nourishment issues, you can achieve wonders with thin horses.

Horses are Heather Tomspassion and she enjoys sharing her extensive knowledge through her 100s of articles with other horse lovers go here


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