Monday 23 July 2012

10 Signs Of Cheating Spouse-Here's How A Cheating Spouse Acts ...

Article by Walter J Higgens

10 Signs Of Cheating Spouse-Here?s How A Cheating Spouse Acts! ? Relationships ? Marriage

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Do you have a gnawing feeling that something is wrong in your relationship?

Do you suspect that terrible feeling is because your partner is cheating?

How do you know if your spouse is cheating? Learn The Top 10 Signs Of Cheating Spouse!

No one likes to feel like they are being lied to, especially when their spouse is involved. The foundation of trust and honesty is such an important part of marriage, and without it the relationship will never succeed. This is why even the smallest suspicions of an affair needs to be investigated. Of course you have to be careful not to wrongly accuse your spouse, and this is why you should approach the matter as ?innocent until proven guilty?. That being said, there are some signs of a cheating spouse you can look for without jeopardizing your relationship.

57% of people have used the Internet to flirt. 38% of people have engaged in explicit online sexual conversation and 50% of people have made phone contact with someone they chatted with online. Evidence proves there is a high correlation between on-line cybersex and subsequent real-time sexual affairs. Evidence supports the existence of disinhibition, accelerated intimacy, and hyper-sexual online behavior that can easily lead to real-time sexual affairs 31% of people have had an online conversation that has led to real-time sex.

There can be few experiences in life worse than finding out that you have a cheating Spouse. The betrayal of Trust, the ?I can?t believe that this is happening to me?. The feelings of guilt that arise when you look back and ?blame yourself? when you know deep down that ?you?re the injured party? and do you know what? The worst thing is when you hear about it from someone else, that you have a cheating Spouse, it?s the ?shock? and the ?shame? of it. Sounds familiar doesn?t it?

Women, just as men, have affairs. Although statistically men have affairs more often than women do, wives still cheat. In fact, the number of wives cheating on husbands has risen dramatically over the past few years. Currently, new studies now show that between 35% and 40% of all wives cheat on husbands while the statistics for men are between 40% and 50%. If you suspect your wife is having an affair, it could be for any number of reasons.

Here?s The Top 10 Signs Of Cheating Spouse!

1) You find birth-control pills in her medicine cabinet, and you?ve had a vasectomy.

2) Mutual friends start acting strangely toward you. (They either know about the cheating or have been told stories about what a horrible wife or girlfriend you are.)

3) Your cheating husband or wife stops confiding in you and seeking advice from you.

4) He leaves the house in the morning smelling like Irish Spring and returns in the evening smelling like Safeguard.

5) She joins the gym and begins a rigorous workout program.

6) She buys a cell phone and doesn?t let you know.

7) He sets up a separate cell phone account that is billed to his office.

8) Has unexplained scratches or bruises on his or her neck or back.

9) Suddenly wants to try new love techniques.

10) Has a sudden preoccupation with his or her appearance.

Now that you know the 10 Signs Of A Cheating Spouse! What Do You Do?

*First [Don't Panic] It?s the worst thing you can do, Act normally and observe let you spouse show their cheating behavior.

*Second [Action Plan] Tell your spouse your going to your mom?s for the night and secretly watch the house and seewhat happens, maybe nothing or maybe your suspicions will be confirmed!

*Third [Keep Records] Keep track of phone calls, emails, times your spouse is away and keep your journal hidden! It?s important not to jump to conclusions from the outset, as mistakes can be made. At this stage it is also good to exercise caution. Remember to treat your Spouse as you have always done to avoid suspicion and an initiation on your spouses behalf of ?covering their tracks? making your task all the harder.

*Fourth [Don't ask yet] Gather information and prove and wait.

*Fifth [Remain cool and calm] Restrain from having the all out fight.

*Sixth [A word of Caution] Do not confront your spouse if their is a history of aggression towards youself are children.

*Seventh [Plan for the Consequences]!

Armed with the 10 Signs Of Cheating Spouse you can be better prepared to decide if your relationship is worth savingor should you get out and start a new life!

About the Author

Find Out How to Catch a Cheating Husband or Catch a Cheating Wife and Put an End to the Lies! At: Be sure to get your copy of my latest Newsletter ?How To Catch A Cheating Spouse?.Your?s FREE for Visiting My Site!

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Walter J Higgens

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