Sunday 12 May 2013

Most Beautiful Items: May 3 - May 10, 2013

The weather is beautiful, Friday is beautiful, and the frosty beverage you're thinking about cracking soon is certainly beautiful. So to complement all of those wonderfully beautiful things, we're closing out the week with some of our best design posts from the last five days. Enjoy!

What Happens When You Soak a Negative In Gasoline and Set It on Fire

You might be surprised to learn that the photographs in Peter Hoffman's "Fox River Derivatives" series got their ethereal, psychedelic beauty from a fairly violent source. Those effluent purple bubbles are the result of a negative that's been doused in gasoline and set ablaze.

Even the prettiest gadgets can still suck. But that said, there's something to be said for devices that are just easy on the eyes, and if they're good too, that's a bonus. Show us the prettiest gadget you've got hanging around. Or, if you're living in a trash-heap or something, what's the prettiest one you aspire to?

Game of Thrones Movie Posters from Famous Directors Are Just Too Cool

Saul Bass was behind some of the most indelible ntro title sequences in movie history. Casino, North By Northwest, Vertigo. He died in 1996, and just a few days ago, Google broke out a Doodle for his birthday. And now here's a pretty damn great nerd tribute on top...

Your brain isn't designed to digest a big matrix of numbers and then just burp out knowledge. It is designed to spot and recognize patterns, and it's been trained to do that over thousands of years. A good data visualization communicates ideas instantly, but designing one can be a complex task?it's more than just?

Normally, the fact that a city approved a new pedestrian footbridge for construction would be rather, let?s say, pedestrian. But when the bridge in question is also a "kinetic sculpture," things get more interesting. The Merchant Square Footbridge, a sculptural bridge designed by Knight Architects, is slated to open next ?

Music festivals generate a lot of litter. Tons of it. Litterally. It's been a problem for ages, but Glad has come up with a clever design solution that solves at least part of the problem: a trashbag tent.

Gadget nuts have CES, kids at heart get Toy Fair, video gamers have E3, but if it's watches that ring your bell, every spring you'll want to head over to Basel, Switzerland for Baselworld. It's where the world's horological masters gather to unveil their latest timekeeping works of art. And these are the most?


Cam Cameron Ada Lovelace 12/12/12 manny pacquiao Chopper Live jerry brown michael buble

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