Sunday 19 August 2012

Is the Social Media World Destroying Our Online Business? : The ...

Where you can also hinschaut online with symbols for ?like? something on Facebook or ?tweet? the page you are reading faces. In print, you can not move mentions of social media and billboards are full of logos and the ubiquitous Facebook ?Find us on Facebook,? tag line. It?s almost as if the business world has forgotten we exist Google swim in a sea of social media use and exchange There are dozens of seminars that tell us that ?social? for our company and it is ? ? Finally, word of mouth is essential for all businesses ? that social media can not be ignored, but we have gone ?too far? with our desire to be social online.?

Research results indicate that we have done just that. In a recent study of where to find information about local businesses, took the prestigious Pew Internet group that social media was responsible for only a small part. In fact, only 3% of people cited social media as a source for finding business information. The majority of the people who use the Internet to find information about local businesses relied on ? you guessed it ? search engines. But that was only 38% of the people. The largest proportion of people who wanted information about local businesses ? 49% ? with no internet at all ?.!

In other words, this research shows us two things. First, if you try to promote your business online, then search engines are nearly ten times more important than social media. But secondly, the most important uses for people to learn more about your company OFFLINE advertising methods ? including public relations, because it generates word of mouth.

Many companies seem to believe that the online world, the only place to be to promote their business. It is true, an important, but you neglect the off-world at your own risk. And if you use the Internet to promote your business, take advantage of the current print social media is not permitted to force you to do less work with search engines.

What you need, of course, is an integrated marketing approach where you are online and offline intertwined. If someone sees your poster on a local billboard, they should only have to enter into the turn when they saw the ad for you, that ?a number? on Google for finding that.

The Pew Research was aimed specifically at local businesses, then maybe the results would have been different for international affairs. However, most business is local, have the big brands to local customers. Thus, although the Internet can be more important for global brands to small businesses, marketing is critical to the ultimate victory of local sales. And the Pew Internet research shows that you should focus in two areas: off-line media and search engines. Social media is the least of your worries when you focus most of your marketing efforts on social media, you can waste your time to lose customers as a result.


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