Friday 18 January 2013

Times Communications Executive Is Leaving -

Correction Appended

1:25 p.m. | Updated Robert Christie, senior vice president of corporate communications for The New York Times Company, is leaving the company and his position is being eliminated, The Times announced Wednesday.

In a memo to the staff Mark Thompson, the company?s chief executive, credited Mr. Christie with building up the Times?s communications team, one he said would ?continue to serve The New York Times Company after Bob leaves.? He added that Eileen Murphy, vice president of corporate communications, will now lead the department.

?Bob?s extensive experience and broad range of contacts in the industry have been very valuable over the past three years,? Mr. Thompson wrote.

Mr. Christie joined The Times from The Wall Street Journal in 2010. His departure is part of a series of moves that have been taking place at the company. In December, Scott Heekin-Canedy, another senior executive, retired, and the company said it would eliminate his position. In December, The Times started to offer buyout packages to members of the newsroom who do not belong to the Guild, seeking 30 volunteers. Employees opting to take these buyouts must accept them by next week.

Correction: January 17, 2013

An earlier version of this article misstated the number of non-guild employees being offered buyout packages. It is all non-guild staff members, not just 30 of them.

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