Thursday 27 September 2012

Jay-Z: Bringing Nets to Brooklyn an American dream

(AP) ? Jay-Z has accomplished a lot in his career, but his latest feat has him feeling that like he's living the American dream.

The 42-year-old music mogul and entrepreneur says when he was a poor kid in the New York City borough of Brooklyn, he never imagined that he'd someday own a basketball team. Now Jay is part owner of the Brooklyn Nets and instrumental in moving the franchise from New Jersey.

He feels his rags-to-riches story embodies all that is possible in America.

"Yeah I think I'm the American dream," Jay-Z said. "That whole thing that you could come here and pull yourself up by the bootstraps, like that whole thing what America has always put up to the world that we represent. I feel that. Yes, I've lived that."

Jay-Z made the comments at the launch party for the upcoming NBA 2K13 video game, where he acted as the game's executive producer.

As a child, he says, he dreamed of glory on the basketball court.

"You know the three-two-one, oh, he hits the winning shot," Jay-Z said. "But no one was ever on the court saying I was gonna own the Knicks. Yes, it's way beyond any of my wildest dreams."

Now as part owner of the Nets, he's even designed the team's black and white logo. Brooklyn has not had a professional sports team since the Brooklyn Dodgers left for Los Angeles after the 1957 baseball season.

Rapper Bow Wow, who appears in the video game, says he's always looked up to Jay-Z, but the move to bring the Nets to Brooklyn immortalizes him.

"I think that's the biggest inspirational thing for any kid growing up in any ghetto and any suburb, and you can do whatever you want to do as long as you put your mind to it. That's a great man to follow, right there," Bow Wow said.

As for his success with music, fashion with his brand Rocawear and now a video game, Jay says his creativity is all over the place.

"When you're an artist, you can see greatness in all things, and you say, man, I wonder if I can try and tinker with that and maybe if we put the music into (NBA)2K and bring those two cultures" together, Jay Z-said. They "were cousins already, so why not bring the family together and let them sit at the same table?"

The Brooklyn Nets will play in the newly built Barclays Center. But before his new team takes the court for the first time, the rapper will christen the new arena with an eight-show run beginning Friday.


John Carucci covers entertainment for The Associated Press. Follow him at

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No Comments - Home Improvement Design

A house becomes a home with an injection of your individual personality and avoidance of bland walls will reduce the likelihood of stark spaces. Wall papering is a fun and imaginative and provides an answer to match every budget possible. Design and texture will add inspiration to any room where wall paper is used.

Wall papering within your home has followed a cyclical pattern of popularity over past years. Its popularity is well documented and its revival is evident through today?s home makeover programs and decorating magazines. However, it is no longer the wood chip and blown vinyl that covers the walls of homes but modern and contemporary varieties including different colours and textures including glass beads, stitching and many more.

So whether you?re choosing to paper an entire room or to have a feature wall the all important factor is the preparation of the walls you?re choosing to cover. Time spent on this will offer a better finish; and one that people visiting your home will notice and comment on. Damaged and uneven walls will show through most papers.

When considering wall paper, ensure you are confident in the desired design. Whether you choose a Victorian styled paper or one that is geometrical, the furniture within that room will need to match. It is unlikely that you will pair a floral design with very modern furniture or a monochrome paper with a floral covered three-piece-suite.

Wall coverings also provide an alternative to breaking up wall space should you want to look at a cost-effective way of home improvement. A framed off-cut of wall paper can add texture and vibrancy to any room. These are also removable should you wish to be looking for ideas for rental properties; a reasonably priced and custom-made substitute.

If you?ve chosen that wall papering is the option for you and you?ve chosen an expensive designer paper it is likely that you may feel nervous about hanging it successfully. There will be classes you can take that will provide you with the key knowledge, however, should this not be something you?re interested in, it is always advisable to seek the help of a professional. Their website will show evidence of previous work and professional decorators who excel in the art of paper hanging will have a clear and obvious passion for it.

Most painters will provide a no obligation quotation; opportunities to gain confidence that you?re dealing with a specialist. They will also often be equipped to help with advice on the vast array of variety and styles that will best suit your room.

A combination of your imagination with a professional finish will provide a clear statement and interior design element to be proud of.



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Why You Need to Improve Your Sleep Hygiene

Regular bathing and grooming is only a start. If good personal hygiene matters, sleep should also be a top priority. When this area is ignored, the entire body can suffer. This is especially so if weight loss and personal fitness are concerns. Even the best diet and exercise plans can be easily derailed if sleep is neglected.

Medical researchers say that poor sleep is one of the most prevalent problems encountered in society. This is due to a number of factors, including:

  • Staying up too late and/or getting up too early
  • Consuming drugs such as caffeine and nicotine throughout the day
  • Over-stimulation in the evening hours
  • Stress

Impacts of Poor Sleep Hygiene

Poor sleep can have a number of negative effects that may ripple throughout a person?s entire life. Some of the side effects that can occur when poor sleep habits are ingrained include:

  • Constant fatigue
  • A tendency to be moody, irritable or quick to anger
  • Lack of concentration
  • Loss of coordination, which can also impact ability to drive
  • Tardiness and/or absenteeism
  • Eating problems, including binge eating, loss of appetite
  • Dependency on stimulants
  • Difficulty in interpersonal relationships

Sleep and Weight Loss

Getting into a normal sleep routine can assist with weight loss efforts for a variety of reasons. When the body is deprived of sleep, a person will simply be more likely binge eat, late-night eat and may lack the energy necessary to exercise.

When a good sleep schedule is created and actions support proper sleep hygiene, the entire body ? and mind ? can benefit. Here are some tips that can help improve sleep hygiene:

Set a Schedule and Stick to It

The body craves routine. This is especially so when it comes to sleeping patterns. Set a realistic bed time and wake time each day. Try to stick with it on workdays, weekends ? all the time.

Develop Good Eating Habits

Food and ability to sleep do go hand-in-hand. To promote healthy sleep, a person has to not only eat healthier, but also smarter. It?s best to avoid large meals before bedtime. Spicy, sugary and heavy snacks should also be avoided. When possible, stop eating about two hours before that set bed time.

Avoid Use of ?Drugs? Before Bed

Drugs don?t have to be illegal to wreak havoc on the likelihood of enjoying a good night?s sleep. It?s best to avoid legal drugs such as caffeine, nicotine and alcohol before bedtime. Stimulants like caffeine, for example, can keep the body pumped up, preventing sleep entirely. Nicotine and alcohol can get in the way of a person enjoying a truly restful night?s sleep.

Get Physical

Building exercise into the regular routine can also help promote healthier, more restful sleep habits. Exercise doesn?t have to take place at night either to have an impact. Even light exercise can help a person improve sleep hygiene by reducing stress and burning off extra energy.

Losing weight and getting into shape doesn?t just call for diet and exercise. Proper sleep hygiene can play a critical role in the process. When sound habits are developed, the entire body can benefit.


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Yahoo replaces CFO as CEO draws up turnaround plan

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Intel details Clover Trail tablets: three weeks on standby, 10 hours of use, 'full' Windows 8 experience

Intel details Clover Trail tablet design 30 days standby, 10 hours active use, 'full' Windows 8 experience

You only have to look at the tidal wave of Ultrabooks to know that Intel design specifications can carry a lot of influence with manufacturers. That's why the chip-maker's claims about its latest reference tablet, built around a dual-core Atom Z2760 processor (aka "Clover Trail"), likely give us a broad hint of what to expect from devices like the forthcoming Lenovo Think Pad 2, ASUS Vivo Tab and Samsung ATIV Smart PC.

In particular, Intel has shown us slides claiming that the dual-core 1.8GHz chip with Imagination SGX545 graphics will offer the "best Windows 8 experience" on a tablet with "compatibility and support for traditional apps and peripherals." And if you think that sounds like a subtle jibe at ARM-based tablets running Windows RT -- a version of the OS that doesn't even try to play nice with existing software -- then you could be right. To be fair though, the point of RT is to offer superior portability, and that's why Intel is also keen to emphasize that Clover Trail won't impact too heavily on your freedom of movement. Tablets should come in below 1.5 pounds (680 grams -- similar to the RT spec and much lighter than a Windows 8 Pro tablet) and 8.5mm in thickness, with built-in 3G, 4G and NFC. You shouldn't need to carry a charger either, since a new power management system promises a distinctly un-laptop-like three weeks on standby and a full day of "active use" -- defined as being at least 10 hours.

Windows 8 tablets won't be like Windows 8 Pro machines, however, so don't go expecting USB 3.0, or a guarantee of 1080p visuals (most Clover Trail devices we've seen are 1,366 x 768) or souped-up security -- the Atom Z2760 is very much an evolved Medfield processor, with similar silicon and firmware, rather than a shrunken laptop chip.

Needless to say, what really matters is how well manufacturers adopt this design and what price points they manage to hit. Intel says that at least 20 different Clover Trail tablets are already in the works, and early price tags seem to be around the $799 mark -- a hefty demand for sure, but perhaps one worth paying for those who need full-fledged Windows 8 and true portability at the same time. RT tablets, meanwhile, will have to come in much cheaper than that in order to be worthwhile.

Continue reading Intel details Clover Trail tablets: three weeks on standby, 10 hours of use, 'full' Windows 8 experience

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Intel details Clover Trail tablets: three weeks on standby, 10 hours of use, 'full' Windows 8 experience originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Sep 2012 03:30:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Thursday 20 September 2012

When Did Bare Breasts Become Taboo?

Prince William and Kate Middleton in Marau, Solomon Islands. Prince William and Kate Middleton in Marau, Guadacanal Province, Solomon Islands, on Monday

Photo by Mark Large/Getty Images.

A French judge ordered the magazine Closer to turn over topless photos of Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, on Tuesday. Attorneys for the magazine argued unsuccessfully that the photographs were not an invasion of privacy because bare breasts are no longer taboo in Europe. When did bare breasts become taboo in Western civilization?

Probably around 3,000 years ago. Women are displayed with exposed breasts in Minoan artwork from 1500 B.C. Some historians believe that these ancient women went topless only during religious rituals?bare-breasted, buxom goddesses have been worshipped since the dawn of civilization?but some of the artworks depict everyday activities, suggesting that bare breasts may have been commonplace. Just across the Mediterranean, ancient Egyptian women sported elaborate dresses that could either cover the breasts or leave them exposed, depending on the whim of the designer. Over the next few centuries, however, breasts become strictly private parts. Ancient Athenian women were wearing flowing, multilayered robes that concealed the shape of the bosom by the middle of the first millennium B.C. Spartan attire was more risqu?, exposing the female thigh, but breasts were always covered.

A series of sculptures suggests that even Greek goddesses became more bashful about their breasts during this period. Aphrodite of Cnidus, sculpted by Praxiteles of Athens in the fourth century B.C., depicts the nude goddess covering her genitals but leaving her bosom exposed. In copycat statues sculpted over the next several centuries, however, the goddess uses her other hand to cover a breast as well. The evolution of these Venus pudica sculptures strongly suggests that the ancients had come to feel that modesty required covering the breasts.

It?s not entirely clear why bare breasts became verboten in ancient Greece, but some historians think it had to do with the changing roles of women. As the centuries progressed, ancient Athens became an increasingly patriarchal society. Women retreated into the home, rarely emerging in public, and lived under the dominion of their fathers or husbands. Because the breast had long been a symbol of feminine fertility, it had to be kept from view.

Under the influence of the Bible and ancient Greek and Roman traditions, Western women kept their breasts concealed beneath loose-fitting garb for more than a millennium. The French aristocracy was the first to challenge the taboo. During the 1300s, necklines began to plunge and clothing became tighter, exposing the shape of the breast. Agn?s Soler, the mistress to French King Charles VII, shocked the court by appearing in a painting with one breast fully exposed in the late 1400s. The most provocative ladies of Venice and England are said to have walked the streets bare-breasted in the following century. There are even hints that Queen Elizabeth I herself exposed all or nearly all of her breasts to guests, which, if true, might provide some comfort to the young Duchess of Cambridge. But the trend was temporary, and the general prohibition on bare breasts in European society was firmly entrenched again by the 1600s.

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Wednesday 19 September 2012

Dyslexia cause may be different than previously thought

ScienceDaily (Sep. 19, 2012) ? Dyslexia may result from impairment of a different linguistic system than previously thought, according to research published Sep. 19 in the open access journal PLOS ONE.

Speech perception engages at least two linguistic systems: the phonetic system, which extracts discrete sound units from acoustic input, and the phonological system, which combines these units to form individual words. Previously, researchers generally believed that dyslexia was caused by phonological impairment, but results from the current study, led by Iris Berent of Northeastern University in Boston, suggest that the phonetic system may actually be the cause.

"Our findings confirm that dyslexia indeed compromises the language system, but the locus of the deficit is in the phonetic, not the phonological system, as had been previously assumed," says Berent.

In the study, Hebrew-speaking college students had difficulty discriminating between similar speech sounds, but had no problem tracking abstract phonological patterns, even for novel words, suggesting that the phonological system is intact but the phonetic system is compromised.

"Our research demonstrates that a closer analysis of the language system can radically alter our understanding of the disorder, and ultimately, its treatment," says Berent.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Public Library of Science.

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Journal Reference:

  1. Iris Berent, Vered Vaknin-Nusbaum, Evan Balaban, Albert M. Galaburda. Dyslexia Impairs Speech Recognition but Can Spare Phonological Competence. PLoS ONE, 2012; 7 (9): e44875 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0044875

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Vizio Co-Star review: how good a deal is this $99 Google TV box?

Vizio Co-Star

And then there were two. We're talking about standalone Google TV boxes, folks, with the Vizio Co-Star recently joining Sony's NSZ-GS7. Both feature the same version of Google's software and come with a remote offering a full QWERTY keyboard and touchpad. But with Vizio's model selling for just $99, it's half the price of Sony's entry, so you might be wondering how extensive the differences are. Now that we've had a chance to test both, we're ready to weigh in. Read on to find out if that 50 percent price difference makes the Co-Star worth it.

Continue reading Vizio Co-Star review: how good a deal is this $99 Google TV box?

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Vizio Co-Star review: how good a deal is this $99 Google TV box? originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 19 Sep 2012 11:00:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Love, Sex, Maffia

Love, Sex, Maffia

A 1x1 about two individuals of different paths.


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Little Troll
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I am interested!!!

Lovely day we're having isn't it?

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Haha, alrighty! ^.^
I'm working on the male character now. :D

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Little Troll
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I will have to submit a profile tomorrow if that's alright with you. I am on my phone and i won't be able to fill everything out.

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Tuesday 18 September 2012

PARP inhibitors may have clinical utility in HER2-positive breast cancers

Monday, September 17, 2012

Poly (ADP-Ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitors, shown to have clinical activity when used alone in women with familial breast and ovarian cancers linked to BRCA mutations, may be a novel treatment strategy in women with HER2-positive breast cancers, according to the results of a study published in Cancer Research, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research.

Currently, women with HER2-positive breast cancers are treated with therapies that target HER2. However, many women with this form of cancer either fail to ever respond to these targeted therapies or initially respond to them but then become resistant to their effects.

"Until now, PARP inhibitors have been shown to exhibit single agent activity only in tumors that are deficient in DNA repair, such as familial breast and ovarian cancers that are linked to BRCA mutations," said Eddy S. Yang, M.D., Ph.D., assistant professor in the department of radiation oncology at the University of Alabama-Birmingham.

According to Yang, only about 5 to 10 percent of all breast and ovarian cancers are BRCA-associated familial cancers, so researchers are currently trying to expand the patient population that might benefit from PARP inhibitors, which are generally well tolerated and have relatively few side effects.

"To do that, we were attempting to render nonfamilial cancers deficient in DNA repair," he said.

In prior studies, the Yang lab found that inhibiting the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) pathway, which is commonly overactive in many tumor types, resulted in a DNA repair defect similar to that seen in familial cancers. They subsequently showed that this "forced" DNA repair defect increased tumor sensitivity to PARP inhibitors. Because HER2 and EGFR are in the same family of proteins, Yang and colleagues theorized that HER2-targeted therapies might force a similar DNA repair defect in HER2-positive tumors, increasing their sensitivity to PARP inhibitors.

They found that HER2-positive breast cancer cell lines were indeed sensitive to PARP inhibitors, both in culture and when transplanted into mice.

"However, the surprise was that these HER2-positive tumors were sensitive to PARP inhibitors alone, independent of a DNA repair defect," Yang said. "This means that there may be other mechanisms, outside of DNA repair, that dictate the sensitivity of a tumor to PARP inhibitors."

The researchers hope to further map out the reason why HER2-positive tumors are sensitive to PARP inhibitors. If better defined, the knowledge could ultimately broaden the clinical application for PARP inhibitors.

"Our research suggested that inhibition of NF-kB signaling is a possible cause of this sensitivity, but there may be other determinants as well," Yang said. "If we are able to find the determinants of sensitivity, we may be able to extrapolate our effects to other tumor types."


American Association for Cancer Research:

Thanks to American Association for Cancer Research for this article.

This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

This press release has been viewed 43 time(s).


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Visualized: 50 shades of Nexus, by ASUS

Visualized 50 shades of Nexus

ASUS is never shy at showing off its creative side. At Taiwan Designers' Week last Sunday, we spotted the company's above art installation dubbed "Palette": a mesmerizing circle of 50 overlapping Nexus 7 back covers, each in its very own shade of color. Interestingly, all of these were actually used in the development process of Google's Nexus 7, which just goes to show the kind of mad dedication ASUS had put into the joint project.

But wait, there's more! To match the event's "Flow" theme this year, ASUS decided to also show off parts of the design process that determined the final appearance of its other hero products -- hence the title "Becoming" for the booth's own theme. For instance, much like what the company's lovely Michelle Hsiao showed us on the Engadget Show, the booth again featured a handful of tablet chassis parts and dummies (mainly of PadFone, Zenbook, Transformer Prime and a 7-inch device) at different stages of their development, complemented by a generous selection of colors and finishes. Only this time the designers used some of them to create gradient wall art that we wouldn't mind having at home. Check them out after the break.

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Visualized: 50 shades of Nexus, by ASUS originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 17 Sep 2012 18:31:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Home Show with Tom Tynan: Sun Sept 16 ? CBS Houston

It?s a shortened version of the Home Show to get the Texans game on Sports Radio 610. But Tom and Charlie still give you 30 minutes of early edition and 90 minutes of your calls. Tom Tynan tackles your home improvement questions every weekend!

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Monday 17 September 2012

Black and White Interior Design Review - Kitchens Direct and Home ...

Black and White Interior Design Review, if yo look at any pictures with modern apartment or house , you will see Black and White Interior Design?, you can dream about own spacious rooms with contemporary interior design and without huge amount of furniture.

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Black and White Interior Designs Review

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Military needs to address growing substance abuse: report

By Vignesh Ramachandran

Binge drinking and prescription drug abuse among the nation's military has grown?and top military leadership should address this "crisis," according to?a new report released Monday.

The study, by the national Institute of Medicine, called its findings of alcohol and other drug use in the armed forces?"a public health crisis"?and characterized?the level of use as "unacceptably high." The institute?is part of the National Academy of Sciences.

The report found that 47 percent?of active duty service members engaged in binge drinking in 2008, up from 35 percent?a decade earlier. Heavy drinking was reported in 20 percent of active duty service members in 2008, up from 15 percent in 1998.

The number of prescriptions military physicians wrote for pain medication quadrupled since 2001 to almost 3.8 million prescriptions in 2009, according to the report. However, some attribute this growth to combat-related injuries and strains from carrying heavy gear.

Current approaches to preventing and treating substance abuse are outdated, the report said.

"We commend the steps that the Department of Defense and individual service branches have recently taken to improve prevention and care for substance use disorders, but the armed forces face many ongoing challenges," said University of Pennsylvania professor Charles P. O'Brien, who chaired the committee that wrote the report.

"Better care for service members and their families is hampered by inadequate prevention strategies, staffing shortages, lack of coverage for services that are proved to work and stigma associated with these disorders."

Related: US Army investigated soldiers over suspected drug abuse in Afghanistan, data show

The Institute of Medicine?wants military leadership to?acknowledge?these facts and to?attack "substance use problems before they begin by limiting access to certain medications and alcohol." Among the committee's recommendations are to curb easy access to inexpensive alcohol on military bases, reduce the number of outlets that sell alcohol, restrict their hours of operation and reduce the type and amount of alcohol purchased.

Barriers for military members to get help for substance abuse?is also an issue, the committee wrote. Fear of negative consequences, gaps in insurance coverage, lack of confidential services and stigma are among the obstacles, the report listed.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Sunday 16 September 2012

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Dramatic hike in cases makes South Florida 'identity theft capital'

As identity theft has skyrocketed here in the last five years, more South Floridians are being plunged into the aggravating and painfully slow process of proving they exist after thieves steal identity.

From thieves installing ATM skimmer devices at Publix Supermarkets to those filling fraudulent tax returns in someone else's name, identity theft has left many local victims in financial limbo. College students can't get financial aid. Some can't close on homes they were scheduled to buy. Others can't get new credit cards. And thousands have had to wait more than a year for the federal tax refunds they were counting on to pay bills.

Identity theft affects South Florida's the young and old ? from babies' newly issued Social Security numbers being filched to thieves stealing identities from the graves of the deceased.

Even law enforcement hasn't escaped.

Davie Police Capt. Dale Engle, has been waiting seven months for his federal tax refund check since a thief filed for one in his name ? just five days before Engle tried to submit his own.

"It's a huge problem," Engle said

Such is the reality in South Florida where the dramatic jump in reported incidents to the Federal Trade Commission ? from 8,317 cases in 2007 to 17,668 in 2011 ? has made us the Identity Theft Capital of the nation. There are more identity thefts per capita here than in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago or any other large urban area in the country.

Last year saw the numbers of identity theft explode with claims jumping 76 percent in Broward, Palm Beach and Miami-Dade counties. South Florida reports increased from 184 per 100,000 population in 2010 to 324 per 100,000 population in 2011, according to the FTC.

For Richard Zadanoff having his identity hijacked meant his plans to move from a home to condo was upended. The Tamarac man discovered the problem earlier this year during tax season, but then he couldn't close on a condo because the bank found records of someone else claim to be him at a different address.

The 77-year-old stood in line for hours at the Internal Revenue Office in Plantation to report that his identity had been stolen ? only to be turned away because so many others were ahead of him. He finally got an IRS office in Virginia to take his information by phone.

Victims of tax-related identity theft are required to file affidavits with the IRS and report the case to local police. Some departments have balked because they figure the feds will investigate, said Cindy A. Liebes, the FTC's Southeast regional director. But sometimes victims can't get credit agencies to list the identity theft in their files unless there is a police report, she said.

The FTC also recommends that victims report the crime to the Social Security Administration. Carol Flynn of Davie said the IRS didn't tell her to report her tax-related identity theft to local police, the FTC, the Social Security Administration and the credit reporting agencies.

She's still waiting to hear about her refund ? but she said U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson's staff directed her to a taxpayer advocate who is now updating her about her case.

At times, state and local agencies also have inadvertently put personal information online,

Bruce Hogman, a senior computer systems consultant who lives in Fort Lauderdale, was upset when he learned that Broward County had published some of his personal information on line.

"My Social Security number was on the web for five years before a neighbor hold me," he said.

Broward County promptly removed his number after he alerted them, Hogman said.

Still, he fears others may be exposed to identity theft because some of their personal may remain online in public documents such as deeds.

Lyz DeMarco of Hollywood couldn't believe when the IRS rejected a tax return because a thief had claimed her identity first ? she had already been a victim twice before.

Once, when someone tried to buy surfboards in Texas with her stolen her credit card number. "It was a crazy amount of surfboards," she said. And another time someone tried to use her debit card at a sports bar. "They must have made a counterfeit one," she said. "I had mine with me."

DeMarco she encountered a number of hurdles when she tried to report the crime with police telling her they didn't take IRS cases. On third try police took a report. The IRS required her to submit an "identity theft affidavit" to prove who she was. She spent hours on the telephone with different IRS staffers before her theft claim was finally accepted.

Despite the ordeal that last half a year, DeMarco considers herself lucky. She called the IRS Wednesday and after on hold for an hour, this time there was good news:

Her refund was being wired into her bank account ? with $50 in interest.

"I was floored ? I was absolutely floored," DeMarco said. or Twitter @donnagehrke


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Beginner's Guide To Yoga

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Step by Step Guide to Power Yoga

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Step by Step Guide to Power Yoga
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The Ultimate Guide Pregnancy Part 5 of 5

The Ultimate Guide Pregnancy Part 5 of 5 This visually stunning program takes viewers from <b>the</b> moment of conception to <b>the</b> moment of birth. Checking in at four-week intervals, it uses a broad array of high-tech photographic and computer imaging to capture every stage of embryonic and fetal development as well as <b>the</b> changes experienced by expectant mothers during <b>pregnancy</b>. In addition, a molecular embryologist and an obstetrician/gynecologist from Georgetown University Medical Center provide ...
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The Ultimate Guide Pregnancy Part 1 of 5

The Ultimate Guide Pregnancy Part 1 of 5 This visually stunning program takes viewers from the moment of conception to the moment of birth. Checking in at four-week intervals, it uses a broad array of high-tech photographic and computer imaging to capture every stage of embryonic and fetal development as well as the changes experienced by expectant mothers during pregnancy. In addition, a molecular embryologist and an obstetrician/gynecologist from Georgetown University Medical Center provide caring clinical commentary on the birth process. The program culminates with the filming of two births, one with and one without surgical intervention.
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Categories: People & Stories

A Guide to Moshing and Concert Survival

A Guide to Moshing and Concert Survival

a guide to moshing and concert survival. ***in the process of rendering/editing this video for the internet i ran into some hiccups. as a result some of the audio is off and some of the video has been cut out. in the original version there is indeed mention of picking people up when the fall in the pit.*** ***10,000 views on 10-11-07! Thanks everyone, and keep telling your friends!*** ***20,000 views on 11-27-07*** ***30,000 views on 12-27-07*** ***40,000 views on 01-30-08*** ***50,000 views on 02-28-08*** ***60,000 views on 03-27-08*** ***70,000 views on 04-22-08***
Ranked 4.29 / 5 | 4528 views | 0 comments

Click here to watch the video (08:53)
Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Mosh Moshing Concerts Survival Crowd Surfing Tutorials Rightous Dance Music Health
Categories: Sports How To

A Couples' Guide to Swinging

A Couples' Guide to Swinging

What is swinging? Who does it? Can it work for you? Dr. Joy talks about "the lifestyle" and issues that can arise. This video is brought to you by For more information on love and health, or to read a full transcript of this video, visit
Ranked 3.88 / 5 | 3119 views | 0 comments

Click here to watch the video (11:44)
Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Sex Sexual Love Health Swing Poly Group Marriage Lifestyle Polyamory Open Relationships Education Joy Spot Davidson
Categories: People & Stories

Liver Flush - A Guide - Part 1

Liver Flush - A Guide - Part 1

Cleanse your liver today! ..and here's part 1 of 4 on how to do it!
Ranked 3.93 / 5 | 257 views | 0 comments

Click here to watch the video (01:35)
Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Health Cleanse Liver
Categories: Entertainment


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