Tuesday 30 July 2013

Oprah Has Extravagant Lunch While On Safari In Africa


What do you get for the woman who has everything?! The Serengeti of course!

Oprah and her main man Stedman Graham have been vacationing in Africa's Serengeti Plains and the media mogul has taken to Twitter and Instagram to document her amazing trip. During the safari holiday, the 59-year-old billionaire photographed cheetahs, elephants and other wild life. Oprah and Stedman, who have been going strong 27 years, also enjoyed a hot air balloon ride together, which Oprah wrote wrote about, saying, "favorite experience on Serengeti: Sunrise in Hot Air Balloon. A SuperSoulSunday moment indeed!

We don't know exactly what a "SuperSoulSunday" is but if it involves animals and a hot-air balloon ride -- we will take it!

After at the picturesque ride, Oprah had a lunch feast on the plains fit for a king -- or rather queen. Lady O posted a pic of the heavenly meal, complete with zebras prancing in the background, and wrote, "Safe landing. Gonna eat and run. Back to US, yay!"

Not a bad last meal before coming back to the US!

Oprah is no stranger to Africa -- she founded the ?Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls? in 2007, which is a boarding school for girls outside of Johannesburg in South Africa. The philanthropist has visited the school several times since it was founded.

Hey any billionaires out there want to take us on a safari? We don't eat much and we pack light!

Source: http://x17online.com/celebrities/oprah_winfrey/oprah_winfrey_lunch_safari_africa_photos_072913.php

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Thursday 25 July 2013

Dell's founder boosts offer to buy the company

(AP) ? A group led by Dell's founder raised its offer for the struggling computer maker Wednesday in hopes of attracting more shareholder support for its plan to take the company private.

The 10-cent per share increase came just hours before Dell's shareholders were scheduled to vote on the previous $13.65 per share offer from Michael Dell and investment firm Silver Lake Partners.

But the extra money comes with a catch, a stipulation that the offer's fate be decided by the will of the shareholders who choose to vote in favor of the plan or against it, leaving out those who don't vote at all. Previously, non-voting shareholders were counted as opponents of the proposal.

The Round Rock, Texas, company delayed its shareholder meeting for the second time in two weeks, moving it to Aug. 2 to give the special committee of its board time to consider the offer. The meeting had been set for Wednesday, after being delayed the week before in a sign that the offer didn't have enough shareholder support.

Michael Dell and Silver Lake said Wednesday that the new offer represents their "best and final proposal" and increases the total amount they are willing to pay shareholders by about $150 million, raising the value of the proposed deal to about $24.6 billion.

The group wants to change the conditions for approval to require that a majority of the shares voted, excluding Michael Dell's stake, be in favor of the proposal. Under the current terms, the group needs a majority of all the company's outstanding shares, whether they are voted or not, excluding Michael Dell's stake, to vote in favor of it.

The group originally gave the committee until Wednesday evening to respond to the offer, but later extended it to the morning of Aug. 2, the day of the shareholder vote.

Dell's stock rose 4 cents to close at $12.91, an indication that many shareholders remain doubtful about the deal getting done, even at the sweetened price. The shares' trading volume more than quadrupled its daily average.

In their letter to Dell shareholders, Michael Dell and Silver Lake said they believe the change is "fair and reasonable" to the company's other shareholders, especially given the new offer's additional 10 cents per share for the stakeholders.

Late Wednesday morning, the group said in a statement that according to their last count about 27 percent of the company's shares, excluding Michael Dell's stake, have yet to be voted. For those shares to be treated as if they had voted against the deal is "patently unfair," the group argued. The letter didn't explain why the group accepted the current voting rules when they agreed to the deal in February.

Toward the end of the day, Michael Dell made his most direct pitch to shareholders yet in another letter that emphasized he negotiated the deal in good faith.

"The decision is now yours," Michael Dell wrote to shareholders. "I am at peace either way and I will honor your decision."

Two major Dell Inc. shareholders, billionaire Carl Icahn and investment firm Southeastern Asset Management, have been spearheading an effort to defeat the deal. They depict the proposal as an attempt by Michael Dell to seize control of the company at a sharp discount to its long-term value.

Icahn and Southeastern have offered a more complicated alternative, but they first need to block the deal with Michael Dell and then replace the company's board in a follow-up battle. In his Wednesday letter, Michael Dell said he won't support the alternative proposal, which called "destructive to the company."

The criticism came as no surprise, given the animosity between the bickering parties. Icahn has already said he believes Michael Dell should be ousted from his job, a point he reiterated on his Twitter account Wednesday.

In message to his 21,600 followers, Icahn tweeted that "all would be swell at Dell if Michael and the board bid farewell."

In an open letter to Dell shareholders released later in the day, Icahn and Southeastern accused Michael Dell and Silver Lake of trying to "gut" the proposed deal of one of its few shareholder protections.

"To change the rules at the last minute is outrageous," Icahn and Southeastern said in their letter.

Michael Dell believes he can turn around the company by spending heavily to build better tablets while also diversifying into more profitable areas of technology, such as business software, data storage and consulting. But making those changes are likely to be tumultuous and temporarily lower Dell's earnings, an upheaval that Michael Dell contends will be more tolerable if the company no longer has to answer to other shareholders.

Dell's board says it wants to sell to Michael Dell because it believes waiting for an uncertain turnaround is too risky. If the current deal unravels, analysts believe Dell's stock could plunge below $9, reverting back to its levels of late last year.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/495d344a0d10421e9baa8ee77029cfbd/Article_2013-07-24-US-Dell-Acquisition/id-b54baec38f2148fe9b8f0c874311b7b4

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Monday 8 July 2013

Kurt Bardella: Embodiment of the GOP Brain Trust

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/vdareblog/~3/ndQqduDNXbQ/kurt-bardella-embodiment-of-the-gop-brain-trust

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Ending Writer's Block 2 (Revenge of the Avatar) | Kevin Rogers ...

In the last post I came clean about my recent battle with writer?s block.

(I?m writing my first book based on the KLT sales messaging formula and although I know the material as well as I know my own children, I was struggling bad to get in the flow.)

Then I gave some clues about how I solved it, and you guys provided some excellent guesses.

Robert Michon really nailed it, correctly naming two things I have done in preparing to write this book ? transcribing the material from a presentation I?ve given about it, and having someone interview me about the subject.

Those are two excellent ways to get a book going? some people are able to complete entire drafts transcribing interviews or dictating into a recorder. If you pay well enough for an editor, you can even produce a quality book that way.

But, most ?dictated? books that I?ve read tend to come off a bit? fluffy.

Plus, my brain just doesn?t work that way. I?m not good at turning a mic on and dumping everything out in clean and clear passages. I need structure. And if I?m going to outline the chapters anyway, I?d prefer to be the one who fills it in with words.

After all, that?s the fun part.

Or so I thought.

In my last post I explained that I never believed in writer?s block because (as my friend and mentor John Carlton has hammered into me) it only means you need to do more research.

I blew this off because I new the material so well.

But? there?s a second half to the equation.

There?s knowing the material ? WHAT you?re writing about?

? and then there?s knowing your reader ? WHO you are writing it to.

And that?s where I was falling short. I hadn?t taken the time to really think about my reader? and create what we copywriters call ?the avatar?.

The avatar, as most of you know, is a character you create based on a person or combination of people, that represents a living, breathing human that you speak directly to as you write.

When done right, your avatar should come alive so vividly that you can see his or her eyebrows raise when you reveal something exciting and furl when you sound like you?re full of shit.

It?s an excellent way to keep your writing honest, and you?re language casual? like a good conversation over beer or coffee.

But, be honest, how often do we REALLY create avatars to this level?

I?ll ?fess up. It?s a step in the process I?ve gotten soft about.

My avatars usually get a short bio card (age, income level, product savvy, offer fatigue, likes, dislikes, desires, fears) but often get shortchanged on a name, an address and a face with real working eyebrows and crinkling foreheads.

This tends to happen when you?re up against deadlines and you?re writing to a market you?re already dialed in to.

But no excuses.

No piece of writing can be as good without a living avatar as it is when you?ve created one.

After all, how visceral can you get writing to a group of people, or worse yet a page of statistics?

Now because I?ve been teaching the KLT sales hook for over a year now, I could have easily gone into the member?s area and chosen any one of my students who have completed the course and submitted their new hook.

There are lots of great ones in here and I read every one of them.

But I wanted to start fresh with a fictional avatar that I could not only write TO, but write ABOUT, so readers of the book can have a ?live? example to follow along with.

So, I did. And then something really bizarre and alarming happened.

In the next post I?ll tell you what it was, and show you exactly how I created my avatar using simple stream of consciousness writing techniques.

For now, I?d love to hear about your experience writing to avatars. If this concept if brand new to you, how would you describe your avatar?

If you?re an advanced writer, what are some of your tricks for making avatars come to life?

Of course I?ll be reading and commenting with you.

This is the fun stuff?


Source: http://thecopywritersedge.com/copywriting/ending-writers-block-2-revenge-of-the-avatar/

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Sunday 7 July 2013

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Soho Editors Training offer a full range of Certified training courses for Apple Final Cut Studio 3 professional applications.

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Source: http://www.sohoeditors.com/course_details.asp?n=ACMT+Apple+Certified+Mac+Technicians

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Saturday 6 July 2013

Concern rises over Pakistan plan to halt extremism

ISLAMABAD (AP) ? Suspected Islamic militants killed at least 160 people during the new Pakistani government's first month in office, fueling concern that the country's leaders lack a coherent strategy to fight the pervasive problem of violent extremism.

The ruling Pakistan Muslim League-N party scored a resounding victory in national elections in May with a platform that promoted peace talks as the best way to quell a domestic Taliban insurgency that has killed thousands of people. The plan quickly fell apart after the Taliban withdrew their offer to talk in response to a U.S. drone strike that killed the group's deputy leader at the end of May.

The government has yet to articulate an alternate strategy, and in the meantime, the attacks keep coming.

"The government is completely confused over the terrorism problem," said Zahid Hussain, whose books plot the rise of militancy in Pakistan. "The government's indecisiveness and dithering has emboldened the militants."

At least 160 people were killed in suspected militant attacks in June, according to an Associated Press count. It was the second most deaths in a month this year, following April, when there were many attacks related to the election, said Mohammed Amir Rana, head of the Islamabad-based Pakistan Institute for Peace Studies.

Hussain and other analysts said the government failed to respond aggressively enough to the attacks over the last month. The government mostly relied on routine press releases that criticized the violence and expressed sorrow for the dead, but made no mention of who carried them out or how they would respond.

The government has taken a few public steps to show it is dealing with the attacks, which included the killing of international tourists at a scenic mountain, a suicide bombing of women university students and an attack on a funeral that killed a lawmaker.

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif flew to Quetta, the capital of southwest Baluchistan province, an area where minority Shiite Muslims have been repeatedly killed by radical Sunni extremists. He brought senior security officials with him, including the head of the powerful Inter-Services Intelligence agency.

"We will give full our attention to bring an end to the lawlessness, whether it is in Quetta and Baluchistan or other parts of the country," Sharif told reporters during his trip.

Last month, Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan also traveled to Quetta following an attack there that left 24 people dead. Khan reiterated the country's support for talks with militants, although he did say that those who refuse to renounce violence will be dealt with "through other means."

Sharif has announced that he plans to hold a high-level meeting with political party leaders on July 12 to discuss a national strategy to curb militancy.

Analysts said Sharif's trip to Quetta was a good step, but it's the follow-through that matters. They warned that the government's attempts to form a consensus will likely founder. Islamist parties will likely blame the problem of militancy on CIA drone strikes and the U.S.-led war in neighboring Afghanistan, and no action will be taken, said Talat Masood, a retired Pakistani army general and defense analyst.

"There's no point in them repeating the same thing that has been said that 'We will get everyone together and then formulate a policy.' The people have voted," he said. "That's fine if you want to take along as many political parties, but essentially the responsibility is yours."

Interior Ministry spokesman Omar Hameed Khan defended the government, saying officials were committed to coming up with a national security strategy within three or four months in consultation with all stakeholders, including the military.

To be fair, the government has had its hands full dealing with an issue that is arguably more important than militancy for most Pakistanis ? fixing the country's crippling electricity shortages. That was the issue that propelled the new government to victory, even more so than its promise to negotiate an end to militant attacks, and failure to quickly turn the lights back on could translate into a short term for the new government.

The government has also negotiated a bailout from the International Monetary Fund and presented a new budget to parliament.

Critics say even with those other concerns, the government should take a stronger line on militancy.

"Even if they are devoted to other issues, terrorism is still the most serious issue because it undermines the credibility of the state and shatters the confidence of ordinary people in the capacity of the state to protect them," said Hasan Askari Rizvi, a Pakistani political analyst.

Neither Sharif nor the interior minister has gone to the troubled city of Peshawar in northwest Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province on a similar security-related trip, although it, too, has been hard hit by bombings and shootings. Analysts say that is partly because the killing of Shiite Muslims in Baluchistan has become such a high-profile issue that it can't be ignored. But visiting Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is also fraught with more political risks since it's controlled by Sharif's rival, cricket star-turned-politician, Imran Khan.

Khan's party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, is even more vocal in its support for negotiations instead of military operations as a way to end terror attacks. While the federal government's stance over the last month has been defined mostly by silence on the militancy issue, PTI officials have consistently pushed their negotiations agenda in the face of repeated bombings in the province.

"There is no other way," said Shaukat Ali Yousafzai, a member of Khan's party who serves as provincial spokesman. "We have been fighting for the last 10 years against these people, and terrorism activities are increasing day by day."

Critics say promoting peace talks ignores the Pakistani Taliban's history of using such negotiations as a way to gain time to consolidate their strength. And they question whether the government should negotiate with a group of militants dedicated to overthrowing the Pakistani state and enforcing hard-line Islamic law.

Analysts say the Sharif government may be wary about launching a broad crackdown on militancy because it could trigger blowback in the ruling party's home province of Punjab, which has suffered relatively few attacks. It could also alienate Islamists among the party's supporters.

At the end of the day, the new government is likely finding that solving Pakistan's militancy problem is one of the most complicated challenges it faces.

"There is a hell of difference between being in government and sitting out and criticizing," said Mian Iftikhar Hussain. He should know. He's a member of the Awami National Party, which supported military operations against the militants and was voted out of office in May. He also lost his only son to Taliban gunmen.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/concern-rises-over-pakistan-plan-halt-extremism-063152035.html

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Why some women don't have enough breastmilk for baby: Important role of insulin in making breast milk identified

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Why do so many mothers have difficulty making enough milk to breastfeed? A new study adds to previous research implicating insulin's role in lactation success.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/F_IisKjXcYk/130705212228.htm

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?When Is a #Military Coup Not a Military Coup??

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Source: http://www.facebook.com/Truthdig/posts/10151440017556367

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Friday 5 July 2013

David and Victoria's 14th wedding anniversary

04 JULY 2013

David and Victoria Beckham are celebrating 14 years of marriage today. When a successful young footballer and a member of one of the most popular girlbands of all time started dating in 1997, many people thought it would just be a flash in the pan.

But 14 years later, the couple are still going strong and considered by many to be one of the most powerful celebrity couples in the world.





Check out our photo gallery to see a timeline of the couple?s romance.

From love at first sight at a charity football match, to David?s romantic proposal and the arrival of their four children Brooklyn, 14, Romeo, ten, Cruz, eight, and Harper, who is almost two, HELLO! Online takes a look back at some of the Beckhams' most special moments?

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Source: http://www.hellomagazine.com/celebrities/2013070413353/david-and-victoria-15th-anniversary/

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How to Craft Compelling Copy | Copyblogger

Image of MyCopyblogger Copywriting Marketing Icon

There?s no easy way to say this ? online marketing can be hard.

It?s hard to get attention. It?s hard to get people to subscribe to your email newsletter. It?s even harder to earn the kind of trust that turns a reader into a paying customer.

You?re probably all too familiar with the frustration this situation breeds. You?ve probably felt the sting of your very best ideas being ignored ? your email subscriber list stagnating ? your products flopping.

You might try to comfort yourself with the notion that everyone is flailing online. But you?re smarter than that.

You see certain people and companies rise above the noise. Their ideas are getting heard ? and shared. Their email newsletters are growing at ridiculous rates. And they never seem to have a problem creating a product that their audience loves.

What gives?

The difference boils down to this: The marriage of content that serves your audience and direct-response copywriting ? the art of strategically delivering words (whether written or spoken) that get people to take some form of action.

Over the years successful online content marketers have harnessed the power of copywriting so people pay attention to their ideas and respond to their offers ? and essentially do what they want.

Would you like to learn how to write compelling copy ? and experience this type of success online?

Then here?s your chance.

Grab a free copy of our ebook Copywriting 101: How to Craft Compelling Copy to learn the basics of writing great copy that actually sells.

In addition, to answer the tons of other questions that online publishers like you ask, we?ve built a training resource called MyCopyblogger.

When you register (at no charge) you?ll get instant access to nearly 100,000 words of proven marketing training in fourteen high-impact ebooks, plus our completely revamped 20-part Internet marketing course.

Take a quick look at what?s waiting for you in MyCopyblogger right now ?

  • Copywriting 101: How to Craft Compelling Copy
  • How to Write Magnetic Headlines
  • How to Create Compelling Content that Ranks Well in Search Engines
  • Content Marketing: How to Build an Audience that Builds Your Business
  • The Business Case for Agile Content Marketing
  • A Content Marketing Strategy that Works
  • How to Create Content that Converts
  • How to Effectively Promote Your Content
  • Content Marketing Research: The Crucial First Step
  • How to Build Authority through Content and Google Authorship
  • Email Marketing: How to Push Send and Grow Your Business
  • Keyword Research for Web Writers and Content Producers
  • Landing Pages: How to Turn Traffic into Money

Inside these ebooks you?ll find the very same tactics, strategies, and processes that allowed us to build Copyblogger Media from a simple blog into a content-fueled software and training company with 100,000+ customers.

So, if you are ready to go beyond just sharing your ideas online and actually get that attention and profit boost you?ve always dreamed of, then start the journey of learning how to write compelling copy today. Sign up for MyCopyblogger , and take advantage of months of valuable free marketing education.

Free Registration

About the Author: Demian Farnworth is Chief Copywriter for Copyblogger Media. Follow him on Twitter or Google+. Then visit his blog to read his Education of a Writer series.

Leave Lame Behind Tools and Training for Smarter Content Marketing

Here?s what we?ve got for you:

  • 14 high-impact ebooks on content marketing, SEO, email marketing, landing pages, keyword research, and more.
  • A 20-part Internet marketing course that lays out a comprehensive path for your own online strategy.
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Free Registration

Source: http://www.copyblogger.com/craft-compelling-copy/

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Check Out These Amazing, Chilling Stereoscopic Images of World War I

Check Out These Amazing, Chilling Stereoscopic Images of World War I

A Toronto photography studio has stumbled across a stereoscopic camera, and its photographic slides, that captured scenes of World War I in 3D. The resulting images are chilling?but incredibly striking, too.

The images, acquired using a handheld stereoscopic camera called the Verascope, were captured by French soldiers. They show scenes from the trenches, streets, and battlefields of World War I and, while the pictures are striking in 2D, the 3D GIFs add an unnerving , chilling feel to the scenes.

Visitors to A Nerd's World in Toronto can use a special 3D viewer to see the slides for themselves?but some, such as the ones shown here, have also been rendered as GIFs. Check 'em out. [A Nerds World via Hyperallergic via Verge]

Check Out These Amazing, Chilling Stereoscopic Images of World War I

Check Out These Amazing, Chilling Stereoscopic Images of World War I

Source: http://gizmodo.com/check-out-these-amazing-chilling-stereoscopic-images-o-668653359

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Thursday 4 July 2013

Dell Looks To Smartwatches And Wearable Tech, But That's Just Another Boat To Miss

dell-smartwatchDell is reportedly investing in wearable tech, with an eye to developing smartwatch devices, according to a report from The Guardian. Dell itself is saying that it's looking closely at the wearable-tech trend, with the aim of predicting what personal computing will look like in five years' time. Sure, it's a smart move, but it's also an obvious one: If there's a computer company out there with an R&D department that isn't at least exploring wearables, they should probably just pack it in.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/MWTujavkQjw/

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The New Lego Tower of Orthanc Is Simply Gigantabulous

The New Lego Tower of Orthanc Is Simply Gigantabulous

Lord of the Rings and Lego fans of the world, get ready to sink $200 in the new 2359-piece, 28-inch tall Lego Tower of Orthanc set, which includes six floors: dungeon, entrance hall, Saruman?s throne room, alchemy room, library and the secret attic to which you can access using a secret stair. It's now available for everyone at the Lego shop.



Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/KrSKOC-5lVQ/the-new-lego-tower-of-orthanc-is-simply-gigantabulous-652266189

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Wednesday 3 July 2013

Contact lens gives telescopic vision

Researchers have created contact lenses which, when paired with special spectacles, bestow telescopic vision on their wearers.

The contact-lens-and-spectacles combination magnifies scene details by 2.8 times.

Polarising filters in the spectacles allow wearers to switch between normal and telescopic vision.

The telescopic sight system has been developed to help people suffering age-related blindness.

Age-related macular degeneration is one of the most common forms of blindness and damages the part of the eye, the macula, that handles fine detail. As this area degenerates, sufferers lose the ability to recognise faces and perform tasks, such as driving and reading, that rely on picking up details.

Precise control

The contact lens created by the researchers has a central region that lets light through for normal vision. The telescopic element sits in a ring around this central region. Tiny aluminium mirrors scored with a specific pattern act as a magnifier as they bounce the light around four times within the ring before directing it towards the retina.

In ordinary use, the magnified image is not seen as it is blocked by polarising filters set in a companion pair of spectacles. Wearers can switch it on by changing the filters on the spectacles so the only light falling on their retina comes from the magnified stream.

For their filtering system, the researchers, led by Joseph Ford at UC San Diego and Eric Tremblay at Switzerland's EPFL, adapted a pair of glasses that Samsung produces for some of its 3D TV sets. In normal use, these spectacles create a 3D effect by alternately blocking the right or left lens.

The prototype contact lens produced by the team is 8mm in diameter, 1mm thick at its centre and 1.17mm thick in its magnifying ring.

"The most difficult part of the project was making the lens breathable," Dr Tremblay told the BBC. "If you want to wear the lens for more than 30 minutes you need to make it breathable."

Gases have to be able to penetrate the lens to keep the parts of the eye covered by the contact, especially the cornea, supplied with oxygen, he said.

The team has solved this problem by producing lenses riddled with tiny channels that let oxygen flow through.

However, said Dr Tremblay, this made manufacturing the lenses much more difficult.

"The fabrication tolerances are quite challenging because everything has to be so precise," he said.

Despite this, gas-permeable versions of the telescopic lens are being prepared that will be used in clinical trials in November, he said. Eventually it should be possible for those with age-related sight problems to wear the telescopic lenses all day.

The lenses are an improvement on other ways these sight problems have been tackled which has included surgery to implant a telescopic lens or wearing bulky spectacles that have telescopic lenses forming part of the main lens.

Clara Eaglen, eye health campaigns manager at the RNIB said the research looked "interesting" and praised its focus on macular degeneration.

"It is encouraging that innovative products such as these telescopic contact lenses are being developed, especially as they aim to make the most of a person's existing vision," she said. ""Anything that helps to maximise functioning vision is very important as this helps people with sight loss to regain some independence and get out and about again, helping to reduce isolation."

The lenses may one day find their way into other areas as the research was being funded by Darpa, the research arm of the US military.

"They are not so concerned about macular degeneration," he said. "They are concerned with super vision which is a much harder problem.

"That's because the standard is much higher if you are trying to improve vision rather than helping someone whose eyesight has deteriorated," he said.

Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-23142469#sa-ns_mchannel=rss&ns_source=PublicRSS20-sa

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Japan's MUFG agrees to buy $5.61 billion stake in Thai lender

By Taiga Uranaka and Denny Thomas

TOKYO/HONG KONG (Reuters) - Japan's Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) has agreed to buy a controlling stake in Thailand's Bank of Ayudhya Pcl for up to 560 billion yen ($5.61 billion) as Japanese lenders expand into fast-growing Southeast Asian economies to beat slower growth at home.

MUFG's purchase of up to 75 percent of Thailand's fifth largest lender would be the biggest acquisition by a Japanese bank in Southeast Asia. It also ends General Electric Co's six-year-old investment in Ayudhya, with GE raising $2.41 billion by selling its stake in the Thai bank in two tranches.

The deal requires approval from Thailand's finance ministry as foreign ownership in domestic banks is capped at 49 percent. MUFG told a briefing it believes Bangkok would "take a favorable view" and said it was considering merging its Thai operations with Ayudhya to comply with Thailand's single presence policy on bank ownership.

MUFG has sizable operations in Japanese corporations in Thailand, where Toyota Motor Corp and other conglomerates own manufacturing plants.

Under the terms of the deal, MUFG will make a tender offer priced at 39 baht per share, allowing GE to sell its entire 25.33 percent stake in the Thai bank. Thailand's Ratanarak Group, which founded the bank in 1945, has agreed to retain a 25 percent stake in Ayudhya.

MUFG is paying a price-to-book ratio of 2.02 times for March 2013, which represents a 46 percent premium to the average P/B ratio of Thai banks, according to Thomson Reuters data.

The tender offer is expected to start in early November and end in December, the statement added.

GE's sale of its stake in Ayudhya is being closely watched by ING , which is also preparing to offload its 31 percent stake in Thai lender TMB Bank plc .


MUFG's acquisition of Ayudhya comes less than two months after rival Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group's bought a $1.5 billion stake in Indonesia's Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk PT .

Japanese banks and insurers have this year launched deals worth $8.15 billion in Southeast Asia, attracted by the region's strong growth prospects, but their operations have been mostly limited to corporate banking. MUFG's acquisition of Ayudhya marks its first foray into Asian retail banking outside Japan.

GE acquired a roughly 33 percent holding in Bank of Ayudhya in 2007 for 22.3 billion baht, or $626 million based on the exchange rate at the time. It recouped most of its investment when it sold a 7.6 percent stake for $466 million in September.

MUFG was one of several bidders for GE's stake, but sources said the Japanese lender was the most aggressive and had also won the support of the Ratanarak Group.

Morgan Stanley advised GE, while Bank of America Merrill Lynch advised MUFG, sources told Reuters. ($1= 99.7450 Japanese yen)

(Additional reporting by Khettiya Jittapong; Editing by Miral Fahmy)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/japans-mufg-agrees-buy-5-61-billion-stake-124708890.html

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Giffords Shoots Gun on Gun-Control Tour (ABC News)

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NBC announces sequel to 'The Bible' miniseries

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? NBC says it will air a sequel to the hit cable miniseries "The Bible."

The network said Monday that it will join with producer Mark Burnett and his actress-wife, Roma Downey, on the sequel. Burnett and Downey produced "The Bible" for the History channel.

Downey starred in "Touched by an Angel" and also played Jesus Christ's mother, Mary, in the miniseries that aired earlier this year.

NBC says the sequel has the working title "A.D.: Beyond the Bible" and will open in the days following Christ's death.

Casting and an air date haven't been announced.

Burnett's producing credits include the NBC series "The Voice" and "Celebrity Apprentice."

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/nbc-announces-sequel-bible-miniseries-010607718.html

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Apple reportedly hires Hulu exec to negotiate future media deals

Apple reportedly hires Hulu exec to negotiate future media deals

If you believe past rumors, Apple has sometimes had difficulty getting the media industry to agree with its vision of the future. Its solution may be to hire from the industry itself -- Bloomberg claims that Apple has recruited Hulu's Senior VP of Marketing and Distribution, Pete Distad, to negotiate future media deals. Neither company is commenting on the rumor, although the executive may not be immediately necessary: Bloomberg also believes that Apple is near an agreement that would bring Time Warner Cable subscribers and services to Apple TV boxes within "a few months." Whether or not that deal happens, we suspect that Distad could at least help realize Tim Cook's grand vision for TV.

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Source: Bloomberg

Source: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/r32hCJyQph4/

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Tuesday 2 July 2013

OS X Mavericks preview: Calendar

OS X Mavericks preview: Calendar

OS X Mavericks' Calendar gets a clean, streamlined look that makes it easier than ever to figure out what you're doing. Calendar knows where you're going and how long it'll take to get there, too, so you'll never be late for another appointment.

While OS X Mavericks' look and feel won't change quite as radically as iOS 7's when it debuts this fall, there are some welcome changes for users who aren't fond of skeuomorphic design elements. Calendar is getting a nice facelift in Mavericks and some new functionality too. We got a bit of a preview during the WWDC 2013 keynote, and now we've got a bit more info to share with you.

First of all, those stubborn artifacts of a physical desktop calendar are gone - there are no more torn page fragments at the top of the calendar and the title bar has a flatter appearance. "Streamlined" is the word Apple uses to describe it, and that's accurate: It looks cleaner.

"Absolutely no virtual cows were harmed in the making of this user interface," joked Apple senior vice president of Software Engineering Craig Federighi, when he unveiled the new Calendar at the WWDC keynote.

From the top down, the next obvious change is the placement of the navigation buttons and the date - they've been reversed in weekly, monthly, and yearly views, to give you a clearer visual cue to show what time period you're looking at.

Also gone is the one pixel-wide table grid that's used in Mountain Lion's Calendar for Week, Month and Year layouts. Days in Mavericks are instead separated with white space, with a one-pixel border to separate them vertically. The net result is a cleaner, less cluttered look.

Continuous scrolling is a new feature in Mavericks Calendar. In the monthly view, this means that you can scroll vertically from week to week (the current week gets a colored horizontal line across the top to help you return to it quickly; you can also just click the Today button). In Mountain Lion Calendar, you can horizontally scroll, in weekly or daily views. The scrolling in daily mode is abrupt, replacing each day's events as you scroll; weekly will snap to the next week's events. Now it's smoother and more continuous.

The new look and feel of Calendar will be a welcome change for users who are increasingly accustomed to gesture-based controls for all aspects of the OS X interface, but Calendar gets some really functional enhancements, too. The Inspector is where you'll see the greatest changes.

Calendar Facebook preview WWDC 2013

Many of us now receiving information about social events through friends and family linked through Facebook. OS X Mavericks lets you connect to your Facebook account, and if you've said yes to events you've learned about through Facebook, they'll be displayed on a separate Facebook Events calendar.

The Maps app is coming to OS X, and Calendar's Inspector now ties into that data to provide you with a small map showing your meeting location. That's only a thumbnail, though, so if you need walking or driving directions, you can click on the image and the Maps app will automatically open and plot the way.

OS X Mavericks preview: Calendar

What's more, Calendar automatically pads your events with travel time, so you can be sure to have enough time to get to where you're going. It also ties in to weather information so you can see how you'll need to dress. The Inspector also supports autocompletion of fields to save you typing.

OS X Mavericks is still a moving target which won't ship until the fall, so we'll see if Apple introduces any new features to Calendar between now and then. But even if nothing else happens, these changes will be welcome improvements for users who rely on Apple's calendaring application to manage their schedules.


Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/2bwUaQsteNI/story01.htm

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