Sunday 31 March 2013

Official Vatican text of pope's speech

(AP) ? Following is the official English language translation provided by the Vatican of Pope Francis' Easter Sunday message, delivered in Italian from the central balcony of St. Peter's Basilica.


Dear brothers and sisters in Rome and throughout the world, Happy Easter! Happy Easter!

What a joy it is for me to announce this message: Christ is risen! I would like it to go out to every house and every family, especially where the suffering is greatest, in hospitals, in prisons.

Most of all, I would like it to enter every heart, for it is there that God wants to sow this Good News: Jesus is risen, there is hope for you, you are no longer in the power of sin, of evil! Love has triumphed, mercy has been victorious! The mercy of God always triumphs!

We too, like the women who were Jesus' disciples, who went to the tomb and found it empty, may wonder what this event means (cf. Lk 24:4). What does it mean that Jesus is risen? It means that the love of God is stronger than evil and death itself; it means that the love of God can transform our lives and let those desert places in our hearts bloom. The love God can do this!

This same love for which the Son of God became man and followed the way of humility and self-giving to the very end, down to hell - to the abyss of separation from God - this same merciful love has flooded with light the dead body of Jesus, has transfigured it, has made it pass into eternal life. Jesus did not return to his former life, to earthly life, but entered into the glorious life of God and he entered there with our humanity, opening us to a future of hope.

This is what Easter is: it is the exodus, the passage of human beings from slavery to sin and evil to the freedom of love and goodness. Because God is life, life alone, and we are his glory: the living man (cf. Irenaeus, Adversus Haereses, 4,20,5-7).

Dear brothers and sisters, Christ died and rose once for all, and for everyone, but the power of the Resurrection, this passover from slavery to evil to the freedom of goodness, must be accomplished in every age, in our concrete existence, in our everyday lives. How many deserts, even today, do human beings need to cross! Above all, the desert within, when we have no love for God or neighbour, when we fail to realize that we are guardians of all that the Creator has given us and continues to give us. God's mercy can make even the driest land become a garden, can restore life to dry bones (cf. Ez 37:1-14).

So this is the invitation which I address to everyone: Let us accept the grace of Christ's Resurrection! Let us be renewed by God's mercy, let us be loved by Jesus, let us enable the power of his love to transform our lives too; and let us become agents of this mercy, channels through which God can water the earth, protect all creation and make justice and peace flourish.

And so we ask the risen Jesus, who turns death into life, to change hatred into love, vengeance into forgiveness, war into peace. Yes, Christ is our peace, and through him we implore peace for all the world.

Peace for the Middle East, and particularly between Israelis and Palestinians, who struggle to find the road of agreement, that they may willingly and courageously resume negotiations to end a conflict that has lasted all too long. Peace in Iraq, that every act of violence may end, and above all for dear Syria, for its people torn by conflict and for the many refugees who await help and comfort. How much blood has been shed! And how much suffering must there still be before a political solution to the crisis will be found?

Peace for Africa, still the scene of violent conflicts. In Mali, may unity and stability be restored; in Nigeria, where attacks sadly continue, gravely threatening the lives of many innocent people, and where great numbers of persons, including children, are held hostage by terrorist groups. Peace in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo, and in the Central African Republic, where many have been forced to leave their homes and continue to live in fear.

Peace in Asia, above all on the Korean peninsula: may disagreements be overcome and a renewed spirit of reconciliation grow.

Peace in the whole world, still divided by greed looking for easy gain, wounded by the selfishness which threatens human life and the family, selfishness that continues in human trafficking, the most extensive form of slavery in this twenty-first century; human trafficking is the most extensive form of slavery in this twenty-first century! Peace to the whole world, torn apart by violence linked to drug trafficking and by the iniquitous exploitation of natural resources! Peace to this our Earth! Made the risen Jesus bring comfort to the victims of natural disasters and make us responsible guardians of creation.

Dear brothers and sisters, to all of you who are listening to me, from Rome and from all over of the world, I address the invitation of the Psalm: "Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; for his steadfast love endures for ever. Let Israel say: 'His steadfast love endures for ever'" (Ps 117:1-2).


Dear Brothers and Sisters, to you who have come from all over the world to this Square at the heart of Christianity, and to you linked by modern technology, I repeat my greeting: Happy Easter!

Bear in your families and in your countries the message of joy, hope and peace which every year, on this day, is powerfully renewed.

May the risen Lord, the conqueror of sin and death, be a support to you all, especially to the weakest and neediest. Thank you for your presence and for the witness of your faith. A thought and a special thank-you for the beautiful flowers, which come from the Netherlands. To all of you I affectionately say again: may the risen Christ guide all of you and the whole of humanity on the paths of justice, love and peace.


Copyright Vatican Publishing House

Associated Press


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U.S. face-transplant recipient marries burn victim: report

(Reuters) - Face-transplant recipient Dallas Wiens married a fellow burn victim on Saturday in the same church where his face was melted in an electrical accident, the Dallas Morning News reported.

In 2011, Wiens received the first full face transplant ever performed in the United States.

Wiens, 27, was married to Jamie Nash of Garland, Texas, at Ridglea Baptist Church in Fort Worth before 150 people, the newspaper said on its website.

"I am blessed beyond measure that you have chosen me, and I love you with all of my heart," the daily quoted Wiens as telling Nash.

Wiens, a Fort Worth native, met Nash in 2011 at Dallas' Parkland Memorial Hospital, where they attended the same support group for burn victims.

Nash, 29, was burned over 70 percent of her body in a one-car accident in June 2010. Today she speaks at schools and churches about the perils of texting while driving.

Wiens was in a cherry picker painting the Ridglea church in November 2008 when his left temple touched a high-voltage wire. His face was burned to the skull and he was left sightless.

Wiens was unconscious at Parkland hospital for three months and underwent more than 20 major surgeries.

It is the second marriage for both Wiens and Nash. Wiens has a 5-year-old daughter, and Nash has a 10-year-old daughter and a son, 6.

(Reporting by Ian Simpson. Editing by Corrie MacLaggan and Eric Beech)


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Saturday 30 March 2013

'Shore's' JWoww to tend bar on 'One Life to Live'

Ben Gabbe / Getty Images Contributor

By Access Hollywood

Former ?Jersey Shore? star Jenni ?JWOWW? Farley is heading to ?One Life To Live.??

The reality star is set to play Nikki, a bartender at the nightclub Shelter, on the rebooted soap, heading to Hulu, Hulu Plus and iTunes on April 29.

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According to a release from The Online Network, which is producing the soap, Jenni?s character, ?can mix an Alabama Slammer as well as ... flirt with customers. As Shelter?s newest barmaid, club owner Blair Cramer (Kassie DePaiva) knows that it?s best to keep an eye on Nikki so things don?t get out of control.?

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Apparently Jenni got so into character, she forgot the acting part of it while rehearsing an on-screen slap with co-star Josh Kelly, who plays Cutter Wentworth.

While learning how to do a ?pretend? slap, Josh asked Jenni to try it out and she missed the ?pretend? part, and gave him a real slap, according to TOLN.

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Friday 29 March 2013

Nevada Assembly: Historic expulsion vote pending

No member of the Nevada Assembly has faced expulsion since 1867, but now the body is considering such a fate for Assemblyman Steven Brooks. Brooks, reelected in November, has been arrested twice since January and was hospitalized for psychiatric evaluation.?

By Sandra Chereb,?Associated Press / March 28, 2013

Nevada Assembly Speaker Marilyn Kirkpatrick and Majority Leader William Horne answer media questions at the Legislative Building in Carson City, Nev., on Wednesday. Lawmakers continue working to determine the fate of embattled Assemblyman Steven Brooks.

AP Photo/Cathleen Allison


Members of the Nevada Assembly are poised for a historic vote on whether to oust one of their own ? something only contemplated once in the early years of Nevada's statehood but never carried out.

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A vote on whether to expel troubled Assemblyman Steven?Brooks?was anticipated Wednesday night, but Democratic leadership delayed the matter late in the day.

Speaker Marilyn Kirkpatrick said after meeting with fellow Democrats that the Assembly "may or may not" vote Thursday.

Lawmakers wanted more time to consider their thoughts on the matter, Assembly Majority Leader William Horne said. The last time the Assembly initiated the expulsion of a member was in 1867, and in that case, a formal vote wasn't taken.

The Assembly's impending vote will decide the political fate of?Brooks, who in the past two months has been arrested twice, involuntarily hospitalized for a mental evaluation, fired from his day job and banished from the Legislature Building after public displays of bizarre behavior.

A bipartisan select committee empaneled to look into the North Las Vegas Democrat's behavior voted 6-1 Tuesday to recommend expulsion.

"I take no pleasure in making this motion," said Assemblyman Lynn Stewart, R-Henderson, who added it was for the good of the Legislature, "and I hope the good of Mr.?Brooks."

The lone dissenting vote came from Assemblywoman Dina Neal, D-North Las Vegas, who favored suspension over expulsion.

Much of the evidence that committee members were privy to is confidential ? such as?Brooks' medical records ? and will not be shared with all Assembly members or the public.

The secrecy presents an uncomfortable dilemma for some lawmakers as they are asked to judge the fitness of a colleague based largely on public reports and their own observations of and interactions with?Brooks.

It weighed on some members of the committee before Tuesday night's meeting was closed.

Mark Ferrario, an independent counsel hired to investigate?Brooks?for the committee, presented the panel with two reports accompanied by roughly 900 pages of supporting documents.

Assembly Minority Leader Pat Hickey, R-Reno, and Assemblyman Wesley Duncan, R-Las Vegas, questioned why at least some of the investigative findings could not be released.

Hickey acknowledged medical privacy concerns but asked, "What is the rationale for the rest of the report that includes a lot of public documents and testimony of members that may be pertinent to our decision?"

But Ferrario said the information was so intertwined, it could not easily be split into what can or can't be made public.

He added that some of his information was only obtained under confidentiality agreements with state agencies or witnesses who were promised they would not be revealed.

"If you open the door, you open the door all the way," he said.

On Wednesday, Hickey said he hoped for more transparency so the public can weigh how the decision was made.

"I just think, after going through the process as a committee last night, I think that the public might better appreciate the diligence and the wrenching labor that it took to take a vote to decide to expel a person, knowing that history being behind you on this has never been done before," Hickey said.

"It's a very serious vote."

Horne, D-Las Vegas, on Wednesday downplayed whether keeping details of the report from all Assembly members would be a factor in the ultimate outcome. He compared it to the U.S. Congress, where members of the House and Senate intelligence committees are allowed to see top secret information, while other lawmakers are not.

"It's an enormous leap sometimes to ask your colleagues to trust you on that, but as I stated last night the members of the (select) committee were chosen for a reason, because of how their colleagues view them," the majority leader said.

Brooks, a 41-year-old father of four, was re-elected to a second term in November. But his public troubles began two months later, following his arrest Jan. 19 for allegedly voicing threats against Kirkpatrick, a fellow North Las Vegas Democrat. Police said?Brooks?had a gun and ammunition in his car, but no charges have been filed.

He was arrested again in February after police say he threw punches and grabbed for the gun of an officer who had responded to a domestic dispute at his estranged wife's house. He faces a court hearing in May on one felony and three lesser charges.

Brooks?also was hospitalized for a psychiatric evaluation after police were called to a disturbance at this grandmother's home. He posed bare-chested for a newspaper photographer and was sworn in to the Legislature when it convened Feb. 4. He was banished from the building a week later as a possible security risk.

Brooks?didn't attend Tuesday's hearing.

Associated Press writer Matt Woolbright contributed to this story.


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Texas reviews school curriculum targeted by conservatives over alleged communist propaganda

A social studies lesson synopsis from 2010 drew harsh criticism from parents and activists who said it labeled the Boston Tea Party a terrorist act. Program administrators said the lesson was outdated and had been withdrawn. Click the image for the full .pdf, which administrators posted as part of their response to the criticism.

By M. Alex Johnson, staff writer, NBC News

Texas authorities are beginning a sweeping review this week of the state's dominant public school curriculum under pressure from critics who charge that it indoctrinates the children of Texas with communist, pro-terrorist propaganda from behind a shield of secrecy.

The State Board of Education will hold the first of a series of public meetings to organize the review in Dallas on Friday, three days after the state attorney general's office told NBC News that it has been looking into "potential improprieties" that raise "significant legal concerns about the program's operations."

It didn't specify those concerns, but legislative hearings have questioned the program's nonprofit status and the locking of some materials behind passwords accessible only to teachers and other "authorized users."

The designers of the curriculum ? which is used in 875 of the state's 1,028 districts ? say the program is closely aligned with standards mandated by the State Board of Education and is based on educational principles proven over decades. Critics, they say, are taking isolated parts of lessons out of context, equating simply teaching a controversial issue with endorsing it.

Even so, the parent organization of the program, called CSCOPE, has agreed to several demands by opponents, including opening its board meetings to the public, allowing teachers to post curriculum materials online, dropping its nonprofit status and creating a new website so parents can learn about the lessons from home.

CSCOPE?? it's not an abbreviation for anything ? is a Web-only repository of 1,600 lesson plans, study materials and other curriculum components. It's supposed to help teachers make sure pupils are taught what they need to know for the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills test.

"We live in a very mobile society," said Anne Poplin, chairwoman of the board of the Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative, or TESCCC, which administers CSCOPE.

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CSCOPE means children who move from one school or district to another can be confident they'll pick up where they left off in their old classrooms, she told NBC News.

But since it began in the 2006-07 school year, CSCOPE has been a target for activists and conservative websites. Pressure has grown in recent months as critics have published details of its lesson plans.

"CSCOPE Teaches ALLAH is God" and "CSCOPE Promotes Communism," proclaim two of several dozen articles on Texas CSCOPE Review.

Glenn Beck's TheBlaze has run at least five "expos?s" this year with headlines like "CSCOPE: Exposing the Nation's Most Controversial Public School Curriculum System," while Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller last month ran a story listing "egregious examples of the curriculum's inadequacies and absurdities."

'Design a flag for a new socialist nation'
Critics fall into two camps.

The first is teachers who say the curriculum is flawed in general and that their districts require them to rigidly follow the program, even though CSCOPE says it's meant to be revised and "refocused" to serve local needs.?

As part of a transparency agreement it worked out last month with Dan Patrick, the Republican chairman of the state Senate Education Committee, TESCCC said it would remind districts that lessons are simply resources for teachers, not meant to be taught verbatim.

The second group is larger and more vocal: parents, activists and lawmakers who say CSCOPE is a Trojan horse sneaking liberal ideals of socialism and cultural relativism into the classroom.

Several examples have circulated around Texas in the past few months. One asks pupils to design a flag for a new socialist nation, using "symbolism to represent aspects of socialism/communism." Texas Conservative News called that an "attempt at secretly indoctrinating Texas children."

Another unit depicts a hiker walking up a staircase of money. "Free enterprise (capitalism)" is the bottom step; "Communism" is at the top. Ginger Russell of the widely read blog Red Hot Conservative wrote that?the graphic was "all about portraying communism in a positive light."

Perhaps the most controversial lesson asks pupils to discuss this news report (PDF):

A local militia, believed to be a terrorist organization, attacked the property of private citizens today at our nation's busiest port. Although no one was injured in the attack, a large quantity of merchandise, considered to be valuable to its owners and loathsome to the perpetrators, was destroyed. The terrorists, dressed in disguise and apparently intoxicated, were able to escape into the night with the help of local citizens who harbor these fugitives and conceal their identities from the authorities.

Not until later, during a discussion period, do teachers reveal that the report describes the Boston Tea Party.

"Like our Founding Fathers at Concord, that was pretty much the opening shot that started this," Patrick said.

Critical thinking and perspective
Poplin said lessons like those under scrutiny are meant to challenge students to critically examine the world from others' perspectives?? not to adopt the beliefs the lessons?describe. With the Boston Tea Party unit ? which has since been removed as "outdated" ? the point was to teach sophisticated thinking and the existence of multiple viewpoints, she said.

"It might have been an act of terrorism in King George's mind, but it wasn't an act of terrorism in the minds of Americans," she said. "The lesson wasn't teaching the Boston Tea Party. The lesson was teaching perspective."

Mason Moses, a spokesman for 20 regional public school agencies that created TESCCC, said: "Down here in Texas, we're pretty patriotic. There is absolutely no way we would ever teach"?that the Boston Tea Party was an act of terrorism.

That may be true, Patrick said, but "what all of this underscores is how our education system is changing rapidly because of technology."

"In the old days, which weren't all that long ago, textbooks were reviewed by boards of education," he said, but?"today, as we move to this online learning, there are no checks and balances."

Keeping 'strategic decisions' private
And that is a big part of the problem, critics say ? CSCOPE has been secret, making it hard to get a clear picture of what it's really teaching. Before the transparency agreement, parents could see materials, but only by visiting their children's school; anyone else was barred unless they were cleared as an "authorized user."

Poplin said CSCOPE was tailored for teachers, which means it includes performance assessments, tests and answers, which shouldn't get into students' hands. As part of the agreement with Patrick, TESCCC is removing that information and hopes to have the instructional material online by the middle of April, she said.

More clarity could emerge from administrators' decision to relinquish nonprofit status.

As recently as December, TESCCC asserted that some of its records should be exempt from disclosure under state open records laws, both because it's an independent nonprofit entity and because it competes with for-profit curriculum companies.

In addition to proprietary business information like bidding data from vendors, the materials TESCCC wanted to keep private included "how strategic decisions are made with respect to the development of the CSCOPE product" itself.

Poplin said TESCCC has begun discussions to dissolve the nonprofit corporation, and she said she was eager to hear from the State Board of Education. Because the state school board has no formal connection to CSCOPE, however, the coming review is non-binding.

Patrick has an answer for that: His committee is holding a hearing next week on legislation that would give the school board oversight of CSCOPE.

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Healthy Computing - A Guide to better Computer Ergonomics

Healthy Computer Guide.


We?ve developed this guide with the objective of offering a more helpful and convenient way to operate your personal computer. This guideline will also play a good role in lessening the usual problem of the occurrence of disabling as well as agonizing injuries which have been discussed in the Health Warning section given below. You don?t need to spend a long time looking over this guide but you will get a long-lasting benefit from whatever information you do apply.


The mouse and keyboard that we use lead to various severe disorders and health injuries.

When a person uses a computer, he has to undertake multiple activities at a time resulting in occasional irritations in various body parts like hands, shoulders, arms, neck etc. If you experience some symptoms like pain, discomfort, aching, throbbing, numbness, tingling, stiffness, burning sensation etc. persistently and even at the time when you are not involved in computer works,


?These symptoms may be associated with the injuries which permanently disable muscles, nerves, tendons and other body parts. Some of such musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are tendonitis, tunnel syndrome, tenosynovitis etc.

Although, researchers still don?t know everything about MSDs, they agree that there are some factors which might contribute to the occurrence of MSDs for example stress and the sensitivity of a person to it, overall health, medical as well as physical condition, the positioning of a person?s body during work etc. Another factor is how much time a person spends on working.?

This ?Healthy Computer Guide? will show you the ways to work in a more convenient way with computer and decrease the possibility of encountering MSDs.?

If you want to extract detailed information on the arrangement of working place and development of the habits which may facilitate the decrease in the risk of MSDs, read ?Healthy Computing Guide? thoroughly. As there are lots of reasons which play a role in developing MSDs, so this guide may not give you idea about all the facts but you will definitely come to know about the predominant reasons. There is a history of lots of people of have gained better comfort as well as productivity after following the ways suggested by this guide. One thing you need to be clear that this guide will not act as an alternative to professional health expert or health program. If you want to know about the influence of your activities, lifestyle, medical and physical condition over MSDs then you should consult with a qualified physician.


During working hour or when you are playing, try to avoid uncomfortable posture and always keep your body in comfortable position. This will not only enhance the overall productivity of you but also help to avoid the occurrence of MSDs. Don?t forget to change your positioning during lengthy task which will help you to get rid of fatigue and discomfort.

At the time of working with computer, adjust your surroundings as well as computer equipments to get a stress-free and contented posture of body parts. The arrangement of your work place in a comfortable way depends on the body size which is very unique for a person and also the work environment. The suggestions given below may help you to get a more flexible working environment.

Tips on supporting the back:


  • In order to support lower back, use a chair (see above image).
  • Make an adjustment between the surface of working area and the height of the chair to achieve a natural as well as convenient body posture (see below image).

?How to promote comfortable postures of leg:

  • Clear the underneath portion of your desk to get better leg movement and comfortable positioning.
  • If you feel that your feet are not having comfortable rest on floor, you can employ a footrest.

In order to obtain flexible arm and shoulder posture and minimize reaching, you may use the following tricks:

  • Keep the keyboard as well as mouse at the level of same height which will be good if it is at elbow level. The upper arms of the computer operator need to fall comfortable at the sides (see detail 3).
  • During typing task, keep the keyboard centered in front of the mouse (see detail 4).
  • Keep the items within the reach of your arms which are more commonly used (see detail 5).

?To attain perfect positioning of wrist and finger, follow the tips given below:

  • During typing work and operating mouse, hold your wrist straight and don?t bend wrists to the sides or up and down. If you have legs with your keyboard, then you can extend them to get a straight wrist posture and better comfort.
  • While you are typing, your wrists should float above your keyboard to enable you the usage of whole arm to catch the distant keys without stretching your fingers.

?To avoid bending of neck, try the tips stated below:

  • Adjust the positioning of top portion of the screen at your eye level (see detail 6). In case of bifocal wearers, screen may be lowered or the glasses may be customized specially for computer works upon the consultation of a professional physician.?
  • It?s necessary to center the monitor in front of you. If you need to have look over the documents more than the monitor, then place the documents in front of your eye and the monitor may be placed on a side slightly.
  • In order to adjust the position of documents at eye level, you may use a document holder.
In order to reduce the stress on eye, try the following:
  • In order to sit comfortably in front of monitor, keep it at an arm away distance.
  • Keep your monitor at a distant place from light sources which are involved in creating glare or you may also use window blinds for controlling the level of light.
  • Never forget to clean the screen as well as the glasses if you use them.
  • Learn how to adjust the brightness and contrast of the monitor.
  • Select the font size on screen which is more comfortable for you if you have that facility in your computer program.

Work Lightly

All the physical forces are involved in close interaction with our body. It?s not only the high impact forces like car crash that causes injury to our body but also low impact forces result in discomfort, injury and fatigue when these physical forces are encountered over long time.

Example of some low forces:

Dynamic force: The force which is generated through movement for example pressing key during mouse clicking or typing.? ?

Static force: The force which exists for a long period for example holding phone or mouse for long time.

Contact force: A force which is generated by resting on a hard surface for example resting wrists on your desk?s edge.

Try to embrace the following ways to reduce the influences of low-impact forces:

  • During typing, keep your hands as well as fingers flexible and type with very light touch, after all you don?t need to give big effort to operate your keyboard?s keys.
  • Click mouse with light touch, the same formula is applicable while using joystick or any other gaming controller device. ?
  • Keep your hand relaxed while holding the mouse and avoid gripping your mouse forcefully.
  • Never rest your wrist or palm on a surface during typing (see detail 7). This type of rest can be taken when you have a break from typing.
  • When you are on break, try to make your hands and arms relaxed. Never rest the arms or hands on the edge of your desk.
  • Make the adjustment of your chair in a way that no pressure from the seat pushes the back of knees (see detail 8).

Don?t forget to take breaks

?When you will take some break from your computer work, it will give time to your body for recovering activity and thus you can avoid MSDs. Based on the type of your work, you have to decide how long you will rest and how frequent you need to take rest. Not only postponing works and relaxing is the way to enjoy a break but also some other forms of breaks are present for instance choosing a different mode of work. If you change your position from sitting to standing during phone conversation, it will definitely help you to make muscles relax.

To alter day to day tasks and work productively, embrace the following ways:

  • Make a planning for both work and play in such a way that you don?t need to perform the same task over a long period.
  • In order to do the same job, try to use diversified input devices. Suppose, you are doing a scrolling job, you can use both keyboard arrow key and the wheel of mouse.
  • To decrease your work pressure, adopt various software and hardware. For example, you have the opportunity to use Windows logo key to enter into the Windows start menu.
  • Try to learn the operations of hardware and software by following the instructions given with the products. For instance, in order to highlight the test commonly, allocate your mouse to do ClickLock.

Be Healthy

?A healthy lifestyle is also necessary to perform daily tasks in proper way with enjoyment. You need to learn the detail about your health if you want to stay productive and flexible with your computer tasks.

?In order to maintain a healthy status of health, adopt the following ideas:

  • Take balanced diet as well as sufficient rest.
  • Don?t miss exercise as it will improve the flexibility, strength and overall fitness of body. In order to choose the right form of exercise for you, you may consult with a qualified physician.
  • Make proper stress management. By planning your work area and program properly, you can keep the racket and disturbances to a minimum level.
  • In order to be clear about the relevance of different factors like diabetes, injuries, rheumatoid arthritis, pregnancy etc. to MSDs, consult with a professional health specialist.


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Spotted: Gisele B?ndchen?s Beach Baby

Wearing a tiny periwinkle blue bikini, the supermodel joined her husband - New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady - and their boys for a Costa Rican vacation last week.


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Obama Administration FINALLY Admits Obamacare Causing ...

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebeilus finally admits that Obamacare is a primary reason for the shockingly swift rise in healthcare costs.? Funny how they never mentioned this when they were preparing to pass the bill?


EXCERPT? (via HumanEvents)

A watershed moment in the ongoing disaster of ObamaCare, as Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius finally admits that health insurance premiums are rising because of the President?s health insurance takeover.

?These folks will be moving into a really fully insured product for the first time, and so there may be a higher cost associated with getting into that market,? she said.

?Don?t worry, folks, ObamaCare is blowing premiums through the roof, but there will be subsidies available for lower-income Americans! ?That means the rest of us will get screwed?twice -?once when we pay our higher insurance premiums, then again when we pay for all those lovely subsidies.

On the political front, Obama?s cherished young voters are getting rooked, but luckily they tend to be low-information types who don?t hold him accountable for anything ? they keep saying jobs and economic growth are their top concern, but they voted to re-elect him, didn?t they? ?And Sebelius is doing her best to mitigate political fallout from sticker-shocked young people by keeping that ?War on Women? narrative going. ?Those brutish misogynist ObamaCare opponents just want to repeal the President?s magical program because they want insurance companies to be able to discriminate against women!? LINK


Related reports have health insurance costs rising by as much as 80% in Ohio and Wisconsin, and well over 60% in many other states.


Obamacare if a fraud.? It is a disaster. And ultimately, it is dangerous to the security of the United States of America.


?This book blew me away! I rarely read fiction books, and even though I downloaded the Kindle version a few days ago, I didn?t start reading it until last night. I could not put it down! I stayed up until well after 2 am this morning to finish the book, which is insane given that my alarm goes off at 5:30 am for work. But it was worth it!??? -SHARON


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Russia seeks to underpin Afghan security after NATO pullout

By Steve Gutterman

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia wants play a role in keeping Afghanistan stable after the withdrawal of most NATO combat troops by maintaining government military hardware on Afghan soil, a senior military official said on Wednesday.

In a meeting with foreign military attaches in Moscow, Sergei Koshelev underscored that Russia is worried about threats to its security after the pullout of most foreign forces from Afghanistan, which borders ex-Soviet states in Central Asia.

"We cannot fail to be concerned by the danger of the restoration of a regime on Afghan territory that would foster the spread of terrorism, drug trafficking and instability," said Koshelev, the Russian military's point man for foreign ties.

Russia, mindful of the 1980s war of occupation that killed thousands of its soldiers and contributed to the Soviet Union's collapse in 1991, has rule out sending troops to Afghanistan since the U.S.-led invasion in 2001.

But it has supported U.S. and NATO operations since then by allowing transit across its territory and contributed small arms and ammunition to Afghan security forces, as well as selling helicopters and training Afghans to maintain them.

NATO is set to wrap up its combat mission in Afghanistan and most members of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) are to withdraw by the end of 2104.

"With the withdrawal of ISAF, keeping the weapons and equipment of the Afghan national security forces in repair and working condition will be of major importance," Koshelev said.

He indicated that at a conference it plans to host in late May on European security, Russia would like to discuss "the creation of repair facilities on the territory of Afghanistan to keep their military equipment in working condition."

He also said Russia wants closer cooperation between its security alliance with Central Asia and other ex-Soviet states on the one hand and NATO on the other in combating threats that could emerge from Afghanistan.

"I am not talking about political dialogue but about the possibility of determining concrete projects the militaries would be responsible for," he said, without proposing any specific projects.

(Editing by Toby Chopra)


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The Best Antivirus App for Windows [UPDATED]

The Best Antivirus App for Windows [UPDATED]Windows has more antivirus programs than we can count, and none of them are quite perfect. Right now, we recommend Avast Free Antivirus for the best balance between protection, ease of use, and cost.

Update: Our former favorite, Microsoft Security Essentials (also known as Windows Defender in Windows 8), has been tanking in antivirus tests left and right over the past few months, so we've decided it's time to change our official recommendation to something a little more reliable. For more information, see the "Competition" section below.

The Best Antivirus App for Windows [UPDATED]

  • A fairly simple interface from which you can scan your computer, see statistics, update definitions, and more
  • Scans files, email, URLs, P2P programs, and more for malware
  • Automatic updates that happen as soon as the virus database or program changes
  • A Windows gadget, browser cleanup tool, and other extra components
  • Support for multiple languages

The Best Antivirus App for Windows [UPDATED]

Avast is one of AV-Comparatives' top rated antivirus programs, not just for its ability to catch malware but also for its low system impact and general usability. Avast is one of the most effective free programs out there, meaning that you get some pretty incredible bang for your buck when it comes to protecting your computer. It isn't as easy to use as Microsoft Security Essentials, but it's probably the second simplest free program out there, so it hits a good sweet spot between protection and usability (and all for free). Plus, it has a lot of advanced settings that power users will love to tweak, though they can be hard to get through (see below).

The Best Antivirus App for Windows [UPDATED]

Avast may be simpler and lighter weight than most other programs out there, but we'd be hard pressed to call it easy to use. Scanning is a one-click affair, which is nice, but as soon as you enter its more advanced options, there's a lot going on, so beginner users may still be a bit confused as they try to root through it all. Avast also has a lot of extra features we'd consider unnecessary, but as long as you go through the "Custom" install you can pick and choose what you want (or just choose "Minimal." The ads and attempted installation of Google Drive hit a nerve as well, and the sounds it makes when it updates and scans are just plain annoying. Thankfully, you can turn those off in the settings.

The Best Antivirus App for Windows [UPDATED]

Sadly, we've chosen to bump down our previous choice, Microsoft Security Essentials (also known as Windows Defender in Windows 8), to second string. MSE is still one of the best designed antivirus programs out there, in our opinion?it's so easy to use, even the most tech-unsavvy person could figure it out pretty quickly. However, while it was once considered competitive with other offerings, most antivirus tests show that it has fallen behind on its ability to detect viruses. It's great at removing them, but if it only detects some of the malware out there, we don't feel comfortable recommending it as our #1.

When it comes to free options, Avira is another pretty solid option. AV-Comparatives found it to be the most effective free program out there, though with a lower level of usability, not to mention some annoying ads and popups. AVG is another popular free option, but doesn't really beat the others in any one category according to AV-Comparatives. Panda is fantastic at removing malware, but is a bit less beginner-friendly than the others.

We think most free programs should be more than good enough, but if you want the absolute best protection out there, you'll have to drop some cash. Right, now Kaspersky and Bitdefender are the two highest-ranked paid solutions at AV-Comparatives, while, Norton, F-Secure, and G Data also get high marks from Again, we personally don't think they're necessary in a home setting, especially if you use good browsing habits, but if you want to protect yourself against every possible virus or theoretical piece of malware you could get, they might be the way to go.

In the end, we recommend everyone use an antivirus program, but the best way to avoid malware is to have good browsing practices (you know, in case I haven't mentioned that enough). They're more effective than any antivirus software out there, and they won't put any kind of drain on your system resources, money, or stress level. Keep Windows and applications like Flash updated, stop downloading questionable files, and just practice good common sense. If you do, you'll probably have to deal with your antivirus program very little (but again, you should still have one).

There are more antivirus programs out there than we can even count, but these are probably the best out there right now. Many of you undoubtedly have your own favorites, some that we might not have even listed?so share your favorites with us (and why they're your favorites) in the comments. Be sure to check out AV Comparatives' summary report from the past year as well. It has a wealth of information more detailed than we could begin to cover here, and it's a good place to start looking at the competition.

Lifehacker's App Directory is a new and growing directory of recommendations for the best applications and tools in a number of given categories.


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Wednesday 27 March 2013

Pope's house ready, but he's staying in hotel

Pope Francis celebrates Palm Sunday Mass, in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Sunday, March 24, 2013. Pope Francis celebrated his first Palm Sunday Mass in St. Peter's Square, encouraging people to be humble and young at heart, as tens of thousands joyfully waved olive branches and palm fronds. The square overflowed with some 250,000 pilgrims, tourists and Romans eager to join the new pope at the start of solemn Holy Week ceremonies, which lead up to Easter, Christianity's most important day. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Pope Francis celebrates Palm Sunday Mass, in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Sunday, March 24, 2013. Pope Francis celebrated his first Palm Sunday Mass in St. Peter's Square, encouraging people to be humble and young at heart, as tens of thousands joyfully waved olive branches and palm fronds. The square overflowed with some 250,000 pilgrims, tourists and Romans eager to join the new pope at the start of solemn Holy Week ceremonies, which lead up to Easter, Christianity's most important day. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

(AP) ? The renovations on the papal apartment are finished, but Pope Francis has decided to stay put in the Vatican hotel for the time being.

The Vatican said Francis, who has long shunned fancy digs, told staff and guests of the Domus Sanctae Martae on Tuesday that he had no plans to move out any time soon. The occasion was the 7 a.m. Mass that Francis has celebrated each morning in the hotel chapel since his election March 13.

Francis has invited groups of guests to the daily Mass, including Vatican gardeners, street-sweepers, hotel workers and staff of the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano.

Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi says it's not clear how long the "experiment" of hotel living will last but that Francis has at least moved into the papal suite.

Associated Press


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Tuesday 26 March 2013

Oscars schedule announced: Awards dodge Olympics broadcast

The Oscars, the SAG awards, and several other awards shows announced their 2014 and 2015 schedules, which were tweaked to avoid conflicting with the next Winter Games.

By Associated Press / March 25, 2013

Daniel Day Lewis and Meryl Streep charm reporters in the press room at the Oscars on Feb. 24, 2013. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced today that next year?s Oscar ceremony will be held on March 2, 2014. The 2015 trophies will be handed out Feb. 22.

John Shearer/Invision/AP/File


Film fans can already mark their calendars for the Academy Awards in 2014 and 2015.

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The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced Monday that next year's?Oscar?ceremony will be held March 2. The 2015 trophies will be handed out Feb. 22.

Awards shows, including the?Oscars, are juggling their calendars to avoid overlap with the 2014 Winter Olympics, which will be held Feb. 7-23 in Sochi, Russia.

The Screen Actors Guild and the Producers Guild of America each pushed up their 2014 awards ceremonies to the weekend of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, on Jan. 18 and 19, respectively.

The Directors Guild will present its annual awards on Jan. 25, 2014. The Hollywood Foreign Press Association has yet to announce when its Golden Globe Awards ceremony will be held.

Nominations for the 86th annual Academy Awards will be announced Jan. 16, 2014, more than six weeks before the ceremony.

The Academy Awards in both 2014 and 2015 will be presented at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles and broadcast live on ABC.


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T-Mobile's ?Uncarrier? Pricing Isn't So Different From The Contract Devil You Already Know

4g_ad_tmoT-Mobile held a special event today to announce the death of the contract, with the carrier moving to a new model where customers purchase their own phone and are under no obligation to stick with their service over a long-term contract. It's cute, but here's the thing: smartphones are super expensive, so that either becomes an up-front cost, or one that's helpfully defrayed by T-Mobile over the course of a multi-year monthly installment plan payback.


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NJ police: 'Emaciated' boy found with dead mother (Providence Journal)

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Monday 25 March 2013

Filipino Accelerator IdeaSpace Picks Country's Top 20 Tech Startups

IdeaSpace LogoMany of the brighter ideas coming out of tech startups in the Philippines are health-related, with a heavy slant on mobile technologies. Filipino incubator, IdeaSpace just whittled a list of 700 entries from startups down to just 20. These 20 will eventually be halved further. IdeaSpace is offering 10 slots to startups to get six months incubation support and funding of up to $120,000 (PHP 5 million) each, to be decided on April 5. Teams from outside the Metro Manila area will also get housing support. A look at the list of finalists reveals that healthcare is a top concern, and like many tech ideas in Asia?s emerging markets, the heavy reliance on mobile technologies is apparent. IdeaSpace would not provide more details on the startups? models, in order to protect their intellectual property, it said. AgriCultureTechnology ? monitors growth of aquatic livestock Armtech ? affordable water purification machine for households CornerData ? simplified data gathering for agriculture and disaster preparedness using electronic sensors DateCola ? natural date enriched beverages DepEd Smart Cloud ? enterprise solution for public school system FindmyDok ? a solution for searching doctors Lost Meets Found ? an online solution for lost and found objects miCab ? smartphone solution for getting a cab with or without mobile Internet Mirand ? Lower cost and high quality total joint implants for the Asian market ? online healthcare system with portable features PGRS ? produces electricity via rumble strips on high traffic roads PinoyTravel ? provincial bus seat reservation using mobile technologies PortfolioMNL ? online marketplace for creative professionals Prodigo ? a solution for targeted promotions and analytics SafeCab ? a solution that providing feedback for commuters riding cabs Summarize and Notify ? allows web searches, summarizes information and notifies users Tech4Health ? solution for health monitoring of chronic conditions including diabetes TimeFree ? SMS-based automated queuing system Tudlo – a system that teaches, guides and points during a disaster and emergency situation WeGen ? new design of wind turbine that is more efficient than current technology IdeaSpace was founded about a year ago, as a non-profit incubator and accelerator for Filipino startups. It has the support of large firms in the country like telcos, hospitals, F&B and infrastructure conglomerates. It has about PHP 500 million ($12 million) to run for the next five years from its members. One of its founders, Earl Martin Valencia, returned to the


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'Amazing Race' producers apologize for offending Vietnam veterans


The cast of "The Amazing Race's" 22nd season.

By The Hollywood Reporter

CBS and the producers of "The Amazing Race" have apologized for last week's episode, which came under fire for using a B-52 memorial in Hanoi, Vietnam, as a key part of the leg.

The episode saw contestants go to the memorial -- which depicts the wreckage of an downed American bomber plane during the Vietnam war -- to find their next clue. The Veterans of Foreign Wars, along with several Fox News anchors and viewers, complained about the usage of the memorial.

PHOTOS: "The Amazing Race" Season 22: Meet the teams

?The B-52 scene, as well as the young people singing a propaganda song, was totally unnecessary to the show?s plot, which speaks volumes about naive producers who think they?re in charge when they are not,? VFW national commander John Hamilton said wrote in a nearly 500-word letter to CBS Corp. chief Leslie Moonves.

Sunday night's episode kicked off with the apology, read by "Amazing Race" host Phil Keoghan.

"Parts of last Sunday's episode, filmed in Vietnam, were insensitive to a group that is very important to us -- our nation's veterans," the statement read. "We want to apologize to veterans, particularly those who served in Vietnam, as well as to their families and any viewers who were offended by the broadcast. All of us here have the most profound respect for the men and women who fight for our country."

CBS had declined to comment on the controversy earlier in the week.

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