Thursday 21 February 2013

What Christians Should Seek in a College Education

Note: Below is the second part of Dr. Reynolds? series on the future of Christian education. See the first part here.


Reasonable expectations matter: if you judge The Voice?because you wanted to?watch Downton Abbey, then your standards will be skewed and both experiences?will be diminished.

What should you expect from a college?

There is a personal element to the choice, but given the expense, perhaps it would be wise to know what American college is designed to do. College is not, or should not be, designed?to be entertaining ? so pause before picking a college based on ?cruise ship?experiences.?

Americans have given colleges at least two jobs: training for the workplace and creating leaders for civilization. There is tension to these tasks and doing one well does not?guarantee that the other will be done well.

Some schools will get you a good job when you graduate, but fail to expand your horizons or make you a better person. For a Christian, a question must be whether?an undergraduate education that ignores metaphysics, and the Lordship of Christ, is?not too limited to do the job well.

The school that is (at best) ambivalent to the Bible, the Church, Christian?morality, and Jesus is missing the center-point of reality. Creating a person that?compartmentalizes religion from the rest of reality is dangerous: a person with a?good understanding of physics but a poor understanding of metaphysics is a threat to himself and the?community!

Many students think they are going to major in one area, but end up in something?totally different. In picking a major, ask: Will this major make me a better person,?thinker, or lead to an obvious first job? If you cannot easily say ?yes? to any of these?goals, then don?t waste your time. Ideally, find a major that will attempt all three with?hope of success!

Are there more general academic goals that will serve you well for the rest of your?life? Academically demand that graduates read well, communicate well, and think?well.

Read well. Do most of the classes require reading and is the reading a key part of?each class? Piles of reading never discussed are less valuable than reading that is?used in classroom discussion. A good college will not just tell you to read a lot but teach you to read well.

Outside of ?content? areas, prefer schools that read books to schools that use?textbooks.

Communicate well. Knowing is good, but being able to share knowledge makes a great?good better. My obvious problems in communication skills are not the fault?of the University of Rochester. They not only tried to make me better, they made me?better.

Blame me for the mistakes. They are my limitations. But credit my teachers (parents,?high school, college, to U of R) for the virtues.

Communication is not limited to writing, but includes the ability to persuade in a?business meeting, a blog post, or a tweet.

Make sure your college demands good writing and rhetoric, and teaches both.

Think well. A good college will challenge everything, many do that, but few then help?you form a thoughtful worldview. We need an examined life, but the examination is?for life and not for the sake of examining.

Ask your college: what will the ideal graduate be? What will she or he do? What will?the ideal graduate believe? Ask yourself: ?Is this who I want to become??

Go to colleges that will disciple you. Content will fade from you mind quickly, but a?professor who spends time with a student can change a soul forever. A good mentor?is worth almost any tuition.

If Socrates is in Austin, then go there. If Jesus is teaching in Dallas, then do not?consider anyplace else. Of course, knowing that Socrates and Jesus are Socrates and?Jesus before history makes it obvious is almost impossible, but the idea is there:?find a mentor.

Assuming no college employs someone that good, find a college that gives you?access to their best. Better to go to a smaller school (as an undergraduate) sending?their stars out to you than a big school where the stars only teach grad students and?mentoring is not a priority.

If peers mentor you, then the schools are not spending your money well. Peer?mentoring will happen anyplace, but older men and women mentoring the younger?well must happen by plan or it will not happen at all.

Ask for the plan for mentoring and the number of students assigned to each?professor. Ask the average number of meetings you will get.

Who is the good mentor? The good mentor is a man or woman who turns toward?the beautiful, the good, and the true. This person will turn you in that?direction and journey toward them with you.

A mentor will show you beauty. College should refine your taste and introduce the beauty that popular culture will not.

A mentor will help you be good. Good people may not all make good mentors, but no?good mentor is a bad person. The usual response is that: nobody is perfect.?This is true, but at least a mentor can be better than the student. Of course, this?means that that you will have to decide what makes a good man or woman, before?going to school.

An eighteen year old receiving mentoring will find the experience pretty?overwhelming: you better know ahead that you are comfortable with the preferred?outcome.?For example, if the college views traditional Christian sexual moralities as ?wicked,??and you think Christianity is true, then do you want merely to ?survive? school??Can you think of a Biblical example where someone seeks a mentor who is pagan??I might hire a pagan plumber, or learn plumbing from a pagan, but why would I?choose to learn morality for a pagan?

A mentor will love truth.

You are paying for access to people. In this era, information is becoming very cheap.?Sitting in your bedroom, you can access more books than you could ever read, more?film than you could ever watch, and more well formed opinions than you could ever?consider.

What we need is community, informed community that will get to know us and help?us learn.

Humans are here to love God and love our neighbors. Will the college you are?choosing make you better at loving God and your neighbor? Will it even try?

College is expensive, but it should be if it delivers what it promises. If your college?does not bother to promise an education and mentoring then you should find a new?college. My teachers and mentors placed ideas in my heart and mind that nourish?me years later.

Expect a good television show and get a mediocre one and you have lost an hour?of entertainment time, but expect an education and miss it and you will have lost a?priceless gift and gained debt. Expect and demand this good, because if school does?the job well, then it is a mother to all good things that happen to you: dear alma?mater.

John Mark Reynolds is Provost of Houston Baptist University.


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Monday 18 February 2013

See All the Front Row Stars at London Fashion Week

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Posted on by Jessica Chandra ?

During the international Fashion Week season there?s no rest for the stylish! When New York Fashion Week wrapped up at the end of last week, busy stars jumped straight on a plane to take their front row seats at some of London?s most exciting shows. Home-grown style heroes sass & bide showcased their latest collection to a crowd that included Olivia Palermo and Les Mis?rables director Tom Hooper, while Mulberry?s butterfly-filled show was attended by the label?s muses, Alexa Chung and Lana Del Rey. Kate Bosworth also rubbed shoulders ? literally ? with One Direction?s Louis Tomlinson when they were seated next to each other at the Topshop Unique show. There have been plenty more stars at LFW so click through to see them all, and get the full runway reports from Fab and backstage beauty from Bella.

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Saturday 16 February 2013

IN PRIVATE, OBAMA FLASHES ANGER OVER GOP STRAFING OF HAGEL -- Justice's Tracy Schmaler to ASGK Public Strategies -- The era of big Wall Street deals is back -- Ted Cruz shakes Senate

GOP FLEXES MUSCLE ? WashPost 2-col. lead, ?Hagel pick faces a GOP filibuster: DEMOCRATS DECRY UNPRECEDENTED MOVE -- Pentagon nominee still expected to be confirmed,? by Paul Kane: ?The move was one more signal of how times have changed in the once-clubby Senate. Democrats say they think that some senior Republicans facing reelection in 2014 are so fearful of conservative primary challenges that they will ignore the bipartisan traditions of the Senate to be more in line with junior GOP senators elected on the strength of tea party affiliations. ? ?It?s just unfortunate that this kind of politics intrudes at a time when I?m still presiding over a war in Afghanistan and I need a secretary of defense who is coordinating with our allies,? Obama said Thursday in an online forum hosted by Google.? ? Republicans denied that their actions constituted a filibuster because they expect Hagel to be confirmed, and they insisted they will allow a simple-majority vote on the nomination later this month. ?

?The ? tally ? was 58 votes to end the filibuster to 40 against, ? but 59 initially backed Hagel ? Reid changed his vote to ?no? so he could use parliamentary rules to quickly reconsider the nomination. Four Republicans ? Sens. Thad Cochran (Miss.), Susan Collins (Maine), Mike Johanns (Neb.) and Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) ? joined 54 members of the Democratic caucus ? Another Hagel vote is scheduled for Feb. 26, when the Senate returns from a 10-day break. ? Minority Leader Mitch McConnell ? has deputized Sen. John McCain ? as the weather vane by which to judge when Republicans should yield.?

--THE TOLL ? Josh Gerstein and Glenn Thrush: ??It?s going to put him in a difficult position once he gets there,? said Bill Cohen, ? who served as defense secretary under President Bill Clinton. ? ?Those resentments will weigh around. ? I think it?s tragic what?s happening, and I think it?s shameful,? said Cohen, part of a group of ex-officials backing Hagel?s nomination. ? The president feels personally invested in the nomination of Hagel. ?Democrats close to the White House say the typically cool-headed Obama has expressed flashes of real anger at what he sees as a politically motivated GOP fishing expedition that already netted his first choice for secretary of state ? U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice. ? Cohen said the perceived linkage between Rice?s nomination and Hagel?s makes it even more important for the White House to rally behind Hagel.?

TRACY SCHMALER, director of the Justice Department Office of Public Affairs, departs March 8 to join ASGK Public Strategies, co-founded by David Axelrod, as managing director and head of a new practice group focusing on crisis communications, litigation/regulatory/congressional matters, and issues management. Tracy covered state politics in Vermont and Massachusetts, including a stint following Vermont Gov. Howard Dean around the country as he made a bid for the White House. He didn?t make it to Washington, but she did ? moving to the Senate Judiciary Committee as communications director to work for another Vermont political powerhouse, Sen. Patrick Leahy.? Prior to leading the public affairs shop at Justice, Schmaler oversaw Yahoo?s global public affairs office in Washington.

--Attorney General Holder: ?While I am sad to lose one of my closest and most trusted advisors, I am grateful to Tracy for her wise counsel, loyalty, good humor and unwavering support of me and the Justice Department over the last four years. Tracy has been a valued member of my senior staff and a good friend whose tireless spirit and keen judgment have served me and this Department well. She will be truly missed, though I wish her all the best in her future endeavors.?

MIKE MURPHY in the new TIME, ?Stop Campaigning, Mr. President?: ?Only a bold Nixon-to-China-style realignment of Washington?s budgeting politics can give him? ? a meaningful second term. Six magic words can unlock the door to the votes inside the Republican fortress: ?Some beneficiaries pay more and chained CPI,? budgetary code for slightly lowering benefit increases over time. Saying those words would mean the President is finally serious about facing the soaring cost of entitlements, with adjustments to future cost increases in Social Security and Medicare ? The Democratic leadership will violently oppose this, but if the President really aspires to use his political capital as he says he does, then he must use it on his own party, where it can actually accomplish a result.?

SO MUCH FOR PRESUMED INNOCENT: N.Y. Post cover, ?BLADE SLAYS BLONDER: Legless Olympian arrested.? ... N.Y. Daily News cover, ?BLADE GUNNER: Legless Olympian charged in murder of model gal pal.?

--BREAKING ? ?Pistorius statement disputes he committed murder,? by AP?s Gerald Imray in Pretoria, South Africa: ?Oscar Pistorius held his head in his hands and wept openly in court ? as prosecutors said they would pursue a charge of premeditated murder against the Paralympic superstar. ? Pistorius' family and his London management company issued a statement calling into question the criminal charge the 26-year-old athlete faces. ?The alleged murder is disputed in the strongest terms,? the statement read. The statement did not elaborate.?

**A message from the National Association of Manufacturers: Manufacturing means jobs, and we have a plan to get our economy moving again! Manufacturing supports one in six private-sector jobs. We are the voice for the 12 million men and women who make things in America. Visit to read our Growth Agenda.**

THE NEW AGENDA ? Atlanta Journal-Constitution, middle of page, ?Obama touts pre k; details yet to come: Local programs to be blueprint for U.S. initiative,? by Daniel Malloy, Nancy Badertscher and Greg Bluestein: ?Obama traveled to Decatur on Thursday to tout his plans to expand pre-kindergarten education nationwide ? But the details and cost of Obama?s initiative remain in flux, and any new spending faces difficult odds against a deficit-conscious Congress. The midday visit brought flocks of onlookers to DeKalb County?s side streets and shut down interstates as the presidential motorcade traveled from Dobbins Air Reserve Base. Obama, in his first visit to Georgia since June, played learning games with 4- and 5-year-olds at the College Heights Early Childhood Learning Center and then spoke at the Decatur Recreation Center about the need for universal pre-k. ?Hope is found in what works,? Obama said.?

--With A1 pic: ?President Barack Obama uses a magnifying glass to play with AnnMarie Sawyer, 4, at College Heights Early Childhood Learning Center.?

COMING HOME ? L.A. Times 2-col. lead, ?U.S. toll down, but Afghan war goes on: As more troops withdraw, fewer are dying. But that may not mean the Taliban is losing, analysts say,? by Shashank Bengal in in Kabul: ?Over the last 25 days, something unusual has happened in Afghanistan: Not one U.S. service member has been killed. The lion?s share of the fighting ? and dying ? is now being done by Afghans. The last American troop death, from injuries suffered in a December roadside bombing, occurred Jan. 20, marking the longest stretch without a fatality since 2008 and offering a glimmer of evidence that the United States? 11-year war is in its twilight. Deaths among U.S. troops in Afghanistan last year reached a four-year low as commanders hailed a tipping point in a conflict that has claimed more than 2,100 American lives. ? Afghans now lead well over 80% of combat operations and control areas where more than three-quarters of the population resides.?

MOOD MUSIC ? N.Y. Times 2-col. lead, ?Confidence on Upswing, Mergers Make Comeback: Market Rises and Economy Strengthens ? Buffett Joins a Deal to Buy Heinz,? by Peter Lattman, with Michael J. de la Merced: ?The mega-merger is back. For the corporate takeover business, the last half-decade was a fallow period. Wall Street deal makers and chief executives, brought low by the global financial crisis, lacked the confidence to strike the audacious multibillion-dollar acquisitions ? [I]n the opening weeks of 2013, merger activity has suddenly roared back to life. On Thursday, Berkshire Hathaway, the conglomerate run by Warren E. Buffett, said it had teamed up with Brazilian investors to buy the ketchup maker H. J. Heinz for about $23 billion. And American Airlines and US Airways agreed to merge in a deal valued at $11 billion. Those transactions come a week after a planned $24 billion buyout of the computer company Dell by its founder, Michael S. Dell, and private equity backers. And Liberty Global, the company controlled by the billionaire media magnate John C. Malone, struck a $16 billion deal to buy the British cable business Virgin Media.?

--WSJ 4-col. lead, ?Heinz Sold as Deals Take Off?; refer box: ?Return of Big Deals? ? Financial Times splash, ?Buffett and Brazilian tycoon make $28bn move for Heinz ? Dealmaking tide rises ? More targets sought.?

ELEVATOR FODDER -- USA Today cover story, ?The fiction behind ?early? flights: AUSA TODAY analysis shows that major airlines pad the numbers, creating new problems for passengers,? by Thomas Frank: ?One in five domestic flights on major airlines got to the arrival gate 15 minutes or more ahead of schedule in 2012 ? the highest early-arrival rate since the DOT began tracking arrival times in 1987 ? Early arrivals partly result from ? airlines ? padding flight schedules and cramming more people on airplanes. ? The steady expansion of the times means that an ?early? flight often takes longer than it once took. The average flight from Boston's Logan airport to New York's LaGuardia took one hour in 1995. In 2012, it took 75 minutes. Yet the Logan-to-LaGuardia early-arrival rate soared to 38% last year from just 2% in 1995 as Delta and US Airways added nearly 20 minutes to the schedule. ? [S]ome padding reflects industry caution, ? as the DOT, responding to passenger frustration over extreme delays, has stepped up its authority to fine airlines for delays.?


--Sen. ?Ted Cruz [R-Tex.] comes out swinging,? by Manu Raju: ?[T]he no-nonsense freshman has quickly become a lightning rod ? on issues ranging from guns to Chuck Hagel?s nomination for defense secretary ? upending the Senate?s conventional ways ? Cruz?s sharp-elbowed Senate style underscores the dilemma facing Republicans as they seek a way out of the political wilderness: Rising stars like Cruz, a tea party favorite, are winning elections and GOP primaries. But their no-compromise, firebrand styles could turn off voters eager to see the two parties start making deals. ? Behind closed doors, some Republican senators report that Cruz, in his stone-cold serious prosecutorial style, speaks at length when it?s far more common for freshmen to wait before asserting themselves ?

?[I]n response to written questions, Cruz [said]: ?I made promises to the people of Texas that I would come to Washington to shake up the status quo, to fight for conservative principles and to lead a concerted and meaningful effort to end the unsustainable spending, deficits and debt that have been propagated, unfortunately, by members of both parties ? Of course comity is important, but comity does not mean avoiding the truth concerning a nominee?s policy record.??

--Boston Globe 1.5-col. lead, ?Warren rips deals with big banks,? by? David Uberti: ?Senator Elizabeth Warren was ? quiet during her first month ? But that changed ? at the Massachusetts senior senator?s first hearing, when she rebuked federal regulators for settling civil cases with big banks instead of taking them to trial. ? Looking at the seven regulators arrayed before the Senate Banking Committee, ? she [said:] ?The question I really want to ask is about how tough you are ? about how much leverage you really have ? Tell me a little bit about the last few times you?ve taken the biggest financial institutions on Wall Street all the way to trial.? ? But none of the witnesses ? representing the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and others ? offered a response. ?Anybody?? Warren asked, pursing her lips and raising her eyebrows above her glasses.?

2016 WATCH ? RICK PERRY MAY RUN ? Jonathan Martin in Austin: ?The other big question now hanging over Texas is whether Attorney General Greg Abbott is feeling as emboldened as Cruz. Abbott, who has held his office for a decade, is sitting on an $18 million war chest and is mulling whether to run for governor in 2014. That could mean a primary challenge against Perry, who is now in his 13th year as governor and has been back in the news for another job poaching run in California. But the betting in Austin is that the governor could forgo a fourth gubernatorial campaign to prepare for another run. ?If he doesn?t run for governor, I assume he?ll run for president,? said one Perry adviser.?

2014 WATCH -- The? (Newark) Star-Ledger, ?Series of ailments tells Lautenberg not to run: Senator, 89, vowing high-impact work over next two years,? by Matt Friedman: ?Sen. Frank Lautenberg [age 89] ? said he won?t run for a sixth term next year, winding down an almost 30-year career in which the scrappy senator fought the alcohol, tobacco and gun industries. ? [H]e has ? fought for pet issues: funds for transportation projects, reducing drunken driving and ridding public places of cigarette smoke.?

--Maggie Haberman writes that the announcement helps pave the way ?for Democratic Newark Mayor Cory Booker to assume the spot. ? [H]e had bristled publicly at Booker?s designs on the seat ? All public polls in recent weeks had shown Booker leading Lautenberg. However, it?s not clear that Booker ? will have a glide path. Rep. Frank Pallone ? has a close relationship with Lautenberg and a $3 million war chest ? Other Democrats who may run are Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver and State Senate President Steve Sweeney. Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) declined to comment on whether he has a favorite in the Democratic primary, or if he himself is interested. ? Lautenberg retired from the Senate in 2000, but stepped back in when Sen. Robert Torricelli was engulfed in ethical problems.?

MEDIAWATCH ? ?Megyn Kelly Pregnant With Third Child,? by TV Newser?s Merrill Knox: ?A Valentine?s Day announcement from Megyn Kelly this afternoon on her Fox News Channel program: the ?America Live? anchor is pregnant with her third child. Kelly?s announcement came after meteorologist Janice Dean asked Kelly if she and her husband, novelist Douglas Brunt, exchange Valentine?s Day gifts. ?We always struggle to find just the right gift, and yet this year I believe that we?ve found the perfect solution ? Happily, Doug and I are expecting another baby.? Kelly and Brunt are parents to three-year-old Yates and one-year-old Yardley.?

--GLEN JOHNSON SUCCESSOR ? Dylan Byers: ?National Journal?s Jim O?Sullivan is heading to the Boston Globe and filling the position former online politics editor Glen Johnson left open when he resigned ? to work for Secretary of State John Kerry. O?Sullivan will be taking over Johnson?s post on Political Intelligence, the Globe?s deputy managing editor for local news Jennifer Peter wrote in a memo to staff. ?For Jim, this will be a homecoming ? He grew up in Cohasset, graduated from Boston College, and worked at the Dorchester Reporter and State House News Service, before heading down to Washington three years ago. ? Talk to this guy for five minutes and you will realize he lives, sleeps and breathes Massachusetts politics.??

--MIKE TACKETT?Memo yesterday from Bloomberg News Executive Editor Susan Goldberg: ?Since 2008, we have been lucky enough to have Mike Tackett at Bloomberg News in Washington as Political Editor, Bureau Chief and Managing Editor. His tireless work with the election team led by Al Hunt was a major reason the coverage made us all proud. Beginning today, Mike takes on a new role that will use his deep knowledge of Washington and national politics to produce marquee Bloomberg News stories under his own byline. We expect Mike's enterprise to cover a broad array of topics from policy to politics, from the White House to Congress to how federal mandates are playing out in the states. ? Mike, who will continue to be a Managing Editor, will report to me. ? Mike has covered every presidential election since 1988 and ... launched the Chicago Tribune's first political blog, The Swamp. ?

?Tim Franklin ? Managing Editor in charge of the regulation and contract teams, will add supervision of the government teams to his portfolio, becoming Managing Editor/Washington. He and Cesca Antonelli, our extraordinary Managing Editor/Bureau Chief, will jointly coordinate all government and political coverage across these teams.? ? During [Tim?s] five years as editor of The Baltimore Sun, his newsroom was a Pulitzer finalist for local reporting.?

BIRTHDAYS: Josh Marshall ... Bloomberg's Jonathan D. Salant (hat tips: Patrick Gavin) ... former Illinois Congressman John Anderson is 91 ? former Defense and Energy Secretary James Schlesinger is 84 ? Susan Brownmiller is 78 ? Melissa Manchester is 62 ? "Simpsons" creator Matt Groening (GREE'-ning) is 59 ? Darrell Green is 53 (h/ts AP)

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Investors watching for fallout from Carnival cruise debacle

NEW YORK (AP) -- Shareholders are anxious to see whether the mess on board a disabled Carnival cruise ship will hurt the broader industry.

The 4,200 passengers on the Triumph were able to get off of the ship on Friday after it docked in Mobile, Ala. The ship lost power in an engine-room fire on Sunday.

Carnival Corp. shares held onto their pre-fire values above $39 through Tuesday. By Wednesday, news reports of poor conditions on the ship began to get more attention, and its shares got as low as $37. They were at $37.23 in afternoon trading on Friday.

The mess on board the ship was the worst publicity the cruise industry has had since the Costa Concordia ? operated by a company owned by Carnival ? capsized off the coast of Italy in January 2012, killing 32 people. A third Carnival ship, the Splendor, lost power in 2010 and was towed back to port under similar conditions to those on the Triumph.

Goldman Sachs on Thursday reduced its 2013 earnings estimate for Carnival to $2.24 per share, from $2.32, reflecting guidance from Carnival management about the impact of the Triumph's problems. The reduction just accounted for the lost income of taking the Triumph's 2,750 berths out of action, and for repairing the ship. Goldman Sachs analyst Steven Kent wrote that Carnival yield growth could also be hurt by the bad publicity.

Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. stock also fell Wednesday. After trading as high as $36.64 on Tuesday it was at $35.46 on Friday, down by 20 cents for the day. Norwegian Cruise Line shares have been rising this week after it reported quarterly results on Monday. They were up 53 cents to $29.78 on Friday.


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Memorial University Public Service Announcement

MUN Public Service Announcement

MUN Public Service Announcement

Researchers from Memorial University?s School of Nursing are looking for volunteers to take part in a research study that focuses on physical activity.

The purpose of the study is to identify where individuals with heart disease are physically active and to find out whether these places differ for men and women.

To be eligible for the study, participants must be 19 years of age or older, diagnosed with heart disease, walk independently, be able to read and write English, have not been told by a health professional to limit physical activity in any way and not be enrolled in a cardiac rehabilitation program now or within the last year.

If you are interested in participating, please contact Joanne Smith-Young at (709) 777-7106 or


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Friday 15 February 2013

Scientists Think They Have Captured the Birth of a Black Hole

This stunningly trippy object is W49B, a supernova remnant 26,000 light years away from Earth. It's just a thousand years old, which in cosmological terms is not even a heartbeat in the life of a human. It may also be the birth place of a newborn black hole, the youngest ever detected in the galaxy. More »


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Meat-free gains momentum at The Natural Food Show 2013 ...

Whether it?s down to cost, health, animal welfare, environmental factors, or, more recently, labelling and contamination concerns, the meat-free market is continuing to gain sales as more and more consumers regularly reduce their meat intake. Retailers and buyers wishing to take advantage of this growing trend will find a host of innovative new vegan and vegetarian products for their customers at this year?s Natural Food Trade Show, which returns to London?s Olympia on 7-8 April 2013.

Spurred on by celebrity chef endorsements, greater menu choice when eating out, more new product developments and better visibility in supermarket aisles, there has been a notable shift in consumer attitudes towards going meat-free (if not wholly then in part) and an increased awareness of the benefits that following a more vegetable-based diet can offer. Ongoing revelations about the UK?s food supply chain aside, a 2012 study by research company Mintel estimated that the meat-free market in the UK, currently worth ?634m, will reach ?800m by 2017. To cater for this demand, the search for natural alternatives to meat, poultry and fish products ? as well as eggs, dairy, cheese and honey for vegans ? remain a priority for many of the thousands of professional food and drink buyers that visit The Natural Food Show annually.

?Exciting, delicious and nutritious ? good vegan-friendly food appeals to just about any customer, which is a key reason why the meat-free sector is so dynamic,? comments Paul Philbrow, trademark & business development officer at The Vegan Society, which will once again be hosting a pavilion at the event. He continues: ?Over half of British shoppers now consciously choose meat-free meals. The sector is innovating with inspiring world cuisines, and healthy, sustainable fruits and vegetables will find increasingly wide and diverse audiences in the years to come.?

Vanessa Brown, head of corporate relations at The Vegetarian Society, whose website currently lists over 7500 vegetarian products, agrees: ?There?s never been a better time to get into the meat-free sector. It?s all about giving consumers choice and value for money. There is a growing trend to avoid using the term vegetarian when referring to meat-free foods. The motivations for this are clear, but there are also dangers as the core market of vegetarians want to be sure that what they are eating is free from slaughter by-products, as well as more obvious animal ingredients. For example, a meat-free dish might well include Parmesan, but a vegetarian one should not.?

Supported by both the UK?s Vegetarian Society and The Vegan Society, the Natural Food Show features over 300 natural and organic exhibitors from all over the world; including a wealth of vegan, vegetarian and free-from producers (some of whom are also Halal and Kosher certified). This year?s attendees will benefit from seeing a host of returning big names like 100% vegan Redwood Wholefood Company, with its gourmet burgers, pizza, pasties, ?fish? cakes, and Parmesan-style cheese; vegetarian convenience food specialist Amy?s Kitchen; Essential Trading Co-operative ? suppliers of brands like Dragonfly Foods? 100% organic beany burgers; Gourmet Raw; and Zest Foods; specialist wholesalers Suma ? home to 3000+ lines of vegan products including Cresson Creative Foods? handmade watercress burgers, pure dairy free, Fry?s Vegetarian UK, and Free & Easy ready meals; and Germany?s TOPAS Klaus Gaiser, founders of the popular Wheaty brand, who?ll be exhibiting within the show?s Vegan Society Pavilion.

Also exhibiting within the Vegan Society Pavilion this year are The Raw Chocolate Company; Happy Kitchen Foods; The Field Roast Grain Meat Company from the USA, whose retail and foodservice range include sausages, frankfurters, roast loaves, cutlets, and deli slices; and GOOD Hemp, creators of natural hemp seed products, packed with protein, essential amino acids, fibre and Omega-3. Plus, first time exhibitors Eco Vegan Shoes; Lucy Bee, with its nutritious extra virgin fair trade organic coconut oil made from organically-grown coconuts; German vegan wholesaler Veganic Bikopi; and Viotros SA from Greece ? the largest producer of vegetable cheese in Southeast Europe.

With many producers now developing products that fit into several categories, many vegan and vegetarian ranges at the show are also suitable for consumers avoiding common allergens ? such as egg, gluten, milk/lactose, nuts/peanuts, sesame and soya. Clearspring; Lucy?s; Orgran Free From Foods; granoVita UK; Carley?s of Cornwall; Rainbow Wholefoods; Cofresh; Four Sigma Foods (who?ll be introducing the world?s first mushroom-based caffeine-free instant beverages); Nosh ? The Raw Smoothie (exhibiting within the show?s new Raw Food Pavilion); Windmill Organics Pulsin?; Plamil Foods, The Booja Booja Company; and Norfolk-based Hodmedod?s, with its sustainably-sourced range of British pulses; are just a selection of 2013 exhibitors who tick many (although not necessarily all) of the free-from boxes.

?More and more people are finally realising time is running out. Health is deteriorating, the planet is facing catastrophe, and meat manufacturers are having to either get more chemically ingenious, or take shortcuts that result in health risks to keep the price down,? warns vegan food writer and campaigner Tony Bishop-Weston, who will be sharing his views and culinary skills in this year?s Natural Food Kitchen.

The food industry needs to change the way it operates, Bishop-Weston explains: ?If we want to survive on this planet we really don?t now have a choice, we must eat significantly more plant foods. Even McDonald?s and KFC are looking at how they can incorporate new meat-free alternatives into their main products. Any new UK legislation to counteract the horse meat fiasco will further increase costs, which will make meat free even more tempting for shareholders.?

?Following a meat free diet is no longer difficult or inconvenient,? says chef Jay Morjaria, founder of Sutra Kitchen Vegetarian & Vegan Cooking School in London, who will also be making his debut appearance in this year?s Natural Food Kitchen. ?I believe that the future is looking extremely positive both for national health and the environment as the benefits of this meat free lifestyle spread,? he concludes.

The Natural Food Show, which includes two days of live cookery demonstrations in the Natural Food Kitchen, will take place on 7-8 April 2013 at Olympia London. The show is part of Natural & Organic Products Europe, which also includes Natural Beauty & Spa, Natural Living and Health & Nutrition sections.

The event is free to attend for pre-registered trade visitors and relevant press representatives. To register please visit ( quoting priority code NPE1328.

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