Saturday 31 March 2012

Design a new treatment for anorexia nervosa | Fitness for Health

British researchers have designed a short video clip, including visual and aural elements to combat anxiety and food refusal experienced by people with anorexia nervosa (AN). Can be played in ?iPod? and ?P4? and is a new treatment modality based on the theory that the image is a key element in the instinctive and emotional reactions. The proposal outlined in the latest issue of ?Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics?.

Interventions that use visual elements to disrupt the production of images and emotional reactions have proven effective in reducing anxiety related to eating and emotional reactions.

So far, the impact of these videos in anorexia has been investigated in a small number of cases, the objective of that study was to confirm previous findings on this tool in a larger sample size.

Thus, the video was compared to a control condition musical two different populations of patients with anorexia nervosa and a control group composed of healthy subjects (HCs).

The hypothesis was that participants with anorexia consume more food than the test and experience a lower level of anxiety watching the video and that no changes would be observed in this variable in the control group.

The 20-minute video featuring images and audio specific eating disorders, while the music used in the control group were 20 minutes of classical modern music. The participants, women between 18 and 55, were 19 members of the control group and 18 patients who had suffered for an average of 11.4 years problems of anorexia nervosa.

In the group of women with anorexia, there were great variations in the amount of food consumed, but ate significantly more food on the conditions set by the video. Additionally, this group showed a greater reduction in anxiety and negative thoughts and more good humor.

There was a reduction of attention bias to food pictures were recorded under the conditions set by the video, but insufficient to the discoveries made negligible.

While in the control group, there were no differences in the amount of food consumed or changes in visual analog scales. He was, however, a trend toward greater reduction in attention bias towards food with music but not with the test video.

Thus, the study shows that people with anorexia nervosa consume much more food when they envision this special video when listening to music, repeating the results of the case series studied previously.

Moreover, this was accompanied by a significant reduction in intrusive thoughts, anxiety and improved mood. Attention bias toward food-related stimuli was also reduced under the conditions laid down by the video of the study but failed to reach significance due to its low power.

No differences between the two conditions in the control group, except for a no significant reduction of attention bias in the group under the conditions that made the music.

The pattern of response in the control group differed from the group of patients with anorexia in no change in the amount of food consumed, anxiety, intrusive thoughts or mood.

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Friday 30 March 2012

Stuart Lancaster Leadership Lessons for Business

Stuart Lancaster

We wrote and earlier post on business lessons from Stuart Lancaster?so now after his appointment today, here is a follow on post with some more valid business lessons from a new rugby coach. If you are as passionate about rugby as I am, it is difficult NOT to write about the appointment of Stuart Lancaster as England head coach, on a permanent basis and try and put his appointment into a broader business and context. Having worked so hard, Stuart Lancaster has finally achieved his aim. There are some good business lessons for students, professors and business managers alike in the way he has gone about his business. From the outset Stuart Lancaster was confident in his own abilities but knowing that you are better just isn?t enough, it is results are what count. Here are five lessons that all business leaders can learn from the assured way he goes about his business.

1. Excellent team building:This has been an England weakness for years but Stuart Lancaster had shown a sure touch. Who would have thrown in Owen Farrell so early and at fly-half as well? Who would have thought that Brad Barritt and Manu Tuilagi, seemingly so alike, would gel so quickly at centre. He has shown a sure touch in the selections of Chris Robshaw as captain.?The selection of No 8 Ben Morgan and Lock Geoff Parling who have both looked to the manor born at international level despite never previously featuring in senior England teams. Ben Youngs was out of form, so Stuart Lancaster simply dropped him.?

Stuart Lancaster and his coaching team

2. Organisation and work ethic: It is clear for everybody to see, and most peple have always agreed, that Stuart Lancaster is ultra-organised and efficient. He has operated with a small and trusted team and his streamlined backroom team worked very well together. Graham Rowntree was perhaps an obvious pick as forwards coach but persuading Saracens to lend Andy Farrell to the RFU was an unexpected masterstroke. Andy Farrell has had a massive influence within the squad with his professionalism, enthusiasm and attention to detail which has aligned him to the Stuart Lancaster work ethic.

3. Honesty and trust: Lancaster has been straightforward and open in his approach to the RFU officials, players and the media. In his personal conduct and dealing with the players and media he has led by example and hasn?t forgotten to smile along the way. You don?t get the impression with Stuart Lancaster that coaching the England rugby team is a burden and all this has transmitted itself immediately to the England fans and the grassroots game. The players support him, the fans support him and he has gained the trust of all those around him ? service with a smile!

4. Discipline and integrity: Danny Care was dropped for the duration of the Six Nations following his conviction for a drink drive offence. England players have been expected to conduct themselves with a certain dignity on and off the field. Anybody falling short of those standards would not be considered ? end of story. Under Stuart Lancaster, player power was officially over. Stuart Lancaster might have been appointed ?interim coach? but he has made many brave actions of somebody that was thinking much more long term and his own personal discipline and integrity has spread to all those around him.

5. Right time, right place: Everybody needs a break or a bit of luck and Lancaster will admit to having enjoyed his. When Martin Johnson stepped down he was free and available, already a paid employee of the RFU with nothing to lose. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity opened up for Stuart Lancaster to prove his worth and he seized it with both hands.

Stuart Lancaster and his business approach

Stuart Lancaster and Business LessonsA former director of rugby at Leeds, Stuart Lancaster was in charge of the England ?Saxons second team and elite player development at the RFU before taking over the national team.?As temporary head coach, the former school teacher helped restore morale and reputation following England?s dismal World Cup campaign, which saw a quarter-final exit and was marred by off-field controversies.?

Here at WSI Digital Marketing we are passionate about our rugby and support the appointment of Stuart Lancaster and certainly strive to employ the qualities that we have outlined in this post to our own business approach.

Photo credit: Andrew Fosker/ Seconds Left Images & inpho


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Standard test may miss food ingredients that cause milk allergy

ScienceDaily (Mar. 28, 2012) ? The standard test used to detect milk-protein residues in processed foods may not work as well as previously believed in all applications, sometimes missing ingredients that can cause milk allergy, the most common childhood food allergy, which affects millions of children under age 3, a scientist reported in San Diego at the 243rd National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society's (ACS) on March 29.

Joseph L. Baumert, Ph.D., who headed the study, explained that thermal and non-thermal processing of foods can change the proteins responsible for milk allergy in ways that make the proteins harder to detect using the standard test, termed the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Processing, however, may still leave the milk proteins capable of causing itchy skin, runny eyes, wheezing and other sometimes more-serious symptoms of milk allergy, despite the inability to detect the milk residue.

"The results of these studies could be utilized by commercial ELISA kit manufacturers to aid in improving ELISAs for detection of milk residue in processed food products. These improved tests can be adopted by the food industry, if necessary, to allow for reliable detection of milk residue regardless of the type of processing that is used," he said. "These improvements should not result in commercial tests that are more expensive or difficult for food processors to use."

Food processors use the ELISA to assure that that processed foods that do not contain milk and processing equipment in facilities that process milk products are free of milk allergens, the substances that can trigger milk allergy.

Milk allergy is not the same as lactose intolerance, a condition in which people lack adequate amounts of the enzyme needed to digest lactose, the main sugar in milk. Lactose intolerance involves the digestive system, with symptoms like bloating, stomach cramps and diarrhea, after consuming milk or milk products. Milk allergy affects the immune system and can cause swelling of the throat, which makes it difficult to breath, and other symptoms that require immediate medical help.

Baumert explained that manufacturers and food-safety agencies use ELISAs to ensure that food-processing equipment and finished products are free of allergens or labeled with appropriate warnings. ELISAs are one of the most widely used diagnostic tests in the world today, a mainstay in everything from diagnosing pregnancy and detecting the AIDS virus in human blood to diagnosing a range of other diseases in plants and animals. The tests leverage the amazing ability of antibodies, proteins formed by the body's immune system, to attach to and mark for destruction bacteria, viruses and other foreign substances. An ELISA kit for milk proteins contains antibodies that bind to milk proteins that may be in a finished food product or on the surface of shared manufacturing equipment. If a sample taken from a finished product or from the surface of food-processing equipment contains milk residue, a color change will occur in the test, indicating a positive result for contamination with milk proteins.

Baumert, who is with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, explained that heating and other processing of foods can make milk proteins aggregate together so it is difficult to get the milk proteins into solution, which enables them to be detected by the antibodies in ELISAs. The clumping, however, does not necessarily destroy the protein's ability to trigger an allergic reaction in sensitive people. Clumped-together proteins also would be likely to maintain their potency once they reached the human body, he added. Heating and other processing can also alter the structure of the protein, which can affect the ability of the antibody to bind to the milk proteins. Alteration in the protein structure does not necessarily mean that the milk proteins become non-allergenic for the majority of milk-allergic individuals.

His team studied and documented how ELISAs perform on several measures of accuracy when milk proteins undergo changes in foods that are boiled, baked, fried or heated in other ways. The results could help the food-processing industry and ELISA manufacturers make changes that better protect consumers with milk allergies, he said, noting that other scientists are doing similar research on foods that contain eggs and peanuts -- both common causes of food allergy.

The scientists acknowledged funding from the United States Department of Agriculture AFRI Competitive Grant 2011-67017-20080 and the Food Allergy Research & Resource Program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American Chemical Society (ACS), via Newswise.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Thursday 29 March 2012

Healthy Tips For Building A More Muscular Frame | AHIP's Health ...

Although every single person dreams of looking incredible, the truth is that the majority of people do not want to put in the time and hard work that is required. The fact that you went online to find information to help yourself build your body is the best thing you?ve done for yourself today! Here are a few handy tips to help you build muscle mass quicker and more safely.

Carefully choose which moves you concentrate on since some are risky with excess weight. For instance, split squats, dips and neck work will damage your joints if you add too much weight. Instead, use heavier weights primarily for exercises such as rows, presses, deadlifts and squats.

If you are trying to build large muscles, do not attempt it while doing any form of intense cardio training. Although cardio can help improve your general physical health and fitness, it can negate the effects of strength training exercises. Make sure to use strength training the most when building muscle.

When you do workout try your best to train muscles that are opposing, so do things like train your back with your chest or your hamstrings with your quads. By doing this, one muscle can relax as another one works. This will allow you to bump up your workout intensity and you won?t have to be in the gym as long.

Look into obtaining a creatine supplement as part of your muscle building plan. This supplements helps you train longer and harder when taken in combination with a diet rich in proteins and carbs. You need to talk to your doctor first before taking any supplements. He or she will tell you whether it can benefit you.

Try drinking a protein shake roughly half an hour before you being working out. Protein shakes aid your body in fueling your muscles, but don?t fill your stomach to the point that you feel sluggish. This help you to get the most out of your workout! You can mix the powder with skim milk or yogurt.

You can get stronger with a strict and effective workout routine that focuses on muscle building. This will result in your ability to lift weights that are heavier. Remember that as a beginner, you should be able to increase your weights by about five percent every two sessions. If you consistently fall short of this goal, figure out what you might be doing wrong. If you find yourself feeling more fatigued after your fitness routine, your body may be having problems recovering.

Try drinking a protein-rich shake a half-hour before you start lifting weights. It adds fuel for your workout without making you feel overly full. Try mixing protein powder into yogurt or low fat milk to make a shake.

If you are trying to build up muscle mass, be sure to get plenty of protein in your diet. Protein is a major building block of muscle, so not eating enough of it may actually lead to your losing muscle, which defeats the whole purpose behind bulking up. You might need to eat over 100 grams of protein per day depending on your weight.

Switch the order in which you perform elements of your routine. After you have been working out for a bit of time, you might find that you are bored with your routine. This can cause you to lose motivation and even stop working out all together. Make sure that you do different exercises and workout different muscles each time you exercise. A new workout will help you stay motivated and enjoy exercising.

You should precede each weight lifting session with at least 10 minutes of light stretching and warm up. This warms the muscles, making them less prone to injury. In addition, stretching regularly can help to prevent injury, meaning that you will not have to take time off from your exercise routine.

Building muscles isn?t easy. But, if you are sure you are taking the right steps to achieve your goals, you can rest assured that you will see the results. Use what you have learned from this article to help yourself achieve your muscle building goals.

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Sanford couple lives in fear after Spike Lee tweet

By staff

A couple in Sanford, Fla., is afraid for their lives after?people posted their home address on Twitter and said it?was that?of George Zimmerman,?the neighborhood watch captain who shot dead Trayvon Martin.

The mistake reportedly has forced?David and Elaine McClain, a couple in their 70s whose home is about four miles from where Martin was shot, to flee to a hotel.

"My youngest son, his last name is Zimmerman and his middle name is George," Elaine McClain told, but that's all they have in common.

Among those retweeting the couple's address was?film director Spike Lee, who has nearly 250,000 followers on Twitter.

"He definitely owes a big apology," McClain added. "All this is really scary and it's a shame. There's no reason they put our address out there without checking to see who lived there."

On Monday, the McClains called police after receiving an envelope with writing that tied it to the Martin case.

Police?promised to increase patrols in their Sanford neighborhood, the McClains said. But as a precaution, they have fled to a hotel, Chip Humble, one of their sons, told the Orlando Sentinel.

"We're afraid for our lives," Elain McClain said.?

William George Zimmerman, the son whose name led to the errant tweet, said he wasn't sure how his parents' address was tracked down, but he noted that he lived there?briefly after college and had used the address?to register a car, get a driver's license and vote, according to the Sentinel.

The parents of Trayvon Martin, the 17-year-old student fatally shot by a neighborhood watch volunteer in a gated Florida community, defend their son's reputation amid new reports that portray him as a teen often in trouble. NBC's Ron Allen reports.

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Wednesday 28 March 2012

Home-based Business Made Basic: Tips, Strategies, And Methods ...

If you?re planning on discovering new methods to make some more dollars, then your search is over. This post is on this page that will help you develop a home-based business that can succeed with achievement. One thing with regards to a home-based business is that you must learn information on ways for good results. Recommendations such as the ones outlined in this article are in this article to assist you to in your home organization projects.


If you are planning to function your property business while remaining employed by a larger firm, you ought to be sure that you are certainly not regularly fighting with your employer. Not only are these claims undesirable business and borderline unethical, but additionally, it may have serious legal repercussions further later on. When in doubt, consider the most secure route.

Investigate the authorized aspects of possessing a home-based business very well. There can be paperwork, filing, along with other authorized prerequisites for your type of enterprise, so it is generally a must in order that you will be conscious of the legalities that encircle your business, regardless what it could be.

Requisite allows and licenses for household organizations may vary based on metropolis or status. Starting with your metropolis and county government, you may request to consult with an area worker. Most are willing to discuss the actions found it necessary to begin your own home company and so they also, frequently provide packets of pertinent details and legitimate kinds for no fee.

If you intend to function your own home organization although leftover hired by a more substantial company, you must make sure that you will not be regularly rivalling along with your employer. Not simply could this be bad organization and borderline unethical, but it may also have severe legitimate repercussions further more down the road. When in uncertainty, use the best path.

Since you now know concerning the very best ways to comply with when starting up a property business, you are one phase nearer to making profits through the convenience of your own house. Become your individual boss, and generate the earnings you are entitled to utilizing the details because of this post.

For information in relation to unfair dismissal, pay a visit to Mauricio K Seagle?s internet site forthwith.

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Author: SavitzBroden446

This author has published 224 articles so far. More info about the author is coming soon.

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Marbury v. Medicine

In a crass partisan sense, a decision to avoid the constitutional issues would keep the health care law?and the ?Obamacare? issue?alive for Republicans to run against in the fall, an outcome the president?s political advisers might not wholeheartedly welcome. Beyond that, in order to decide the case on Anti-Injunction Act grounds, the court would have to hold that the mandate operates as a tax?still more political grist for the Republican mill. These are not legal considerations, of course, but as Marbury shows, the greatest justices are always aware of the political implications of their rulings.


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Sunday 25 March 2012

Jessica Simpson's naked Elle cover censored

Hearst Magazines via Reuters

By Us Weekly

Not everyone is raving about Jessica Simpson's naked, pregnant body on the cover of April's ELLE magazine -- including some customers at a Safeway supermarket in Tuscon, Ariz.

Photos from Us: Nude pregnant celebs

The attention-grabbbing cover image, in which the 31-year-old star barely conceals her naked form, has been covered up with pieces of cardboard or simply turned around, the Arizona Daily star reports.

A spokeswoman for the grocery chain said it made the move to censor the cover following "multiple complaints" about the "Fashion Star" mentor's photo.

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The singer said in a recent interview that that Demi Moore-aping pic was all her idea.

"They didn't even ask me to do that," she said on Ryan Seacrest's KIIS-FM radio show. "It was my idea. It kind of just seemed a natural thing for me to do."

Photos from Us: Most-talked about pregnant celebs

"I'm like 170 pounds and I wanted to pose nude," she explained. "I try to be like 110 pounds. It's funny to be at your heaviest and feel the most confident. I just take such pride in being a mom! I just love my body more than ever now."

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Saturday 24 March 2012

The Metal Roof as a Roofing Material for Miami homes

There are many materials that can be used for roofs in Miami homes. These materials include asphalt shingles, wood shakes, rubber slate, composite slate, and metal.

Metal is currently gaining popularity as a roof material for several reasons. In America's early days, corrugated galvanized steel was used as material for roofs. Metal roofs have the ability to withstand rain, fires, hails, winds, and heavy snow. This can be handy if you live in an area like Miami, where heavy rainfall and other potentially disruptive weather patterns are common. Aside from their durability, metal roofs are also lightweight, recyclable, energy- and labor-efficient, and flexible in terms of designs.

Metal roofs can be aesthetically pleasing if used properly. Steel roofing products can be installed over solid substrates or open frames. They can be molded into rolled bull-nose shapes and large sprung curves. Watching the sun's reflection or the rain droplets bouncing off metal surfaces can be quite a sight too. For this reason, most large buildings use metal as their roofing material.

For environmentally-conscious homeowners, they can be assured that their roofs are not taking a heavy toll on the environment. Some metal roofing products like aluminum and copper are available with at least 95 percent recycled content. The best part about this is metal's ability to be recycled repeatedly without losing its valuable properties like durability.

Metal roofs are also very energy-efficient. The energy used to produce recycled aluminum is only 5 percent of the energy used for new aluminum production. A metal roof Miami homeowners can rely on also directs most of the sun's heat away from the house, lessening the need to turn on the air conditioner all day.

The metal roof Miami homeowners can use is usually made of metals like corrugated galvanized steel, zinc, aluminum, and copper. Corrugated galvanized steel is perhaps the most common metal roof material. Aluminum is one of the longest-lasting metal roof materials though it can be quite expensive. The blend of silicon-coated steel, aluminum, and zinc is widely used as a base metal with factory coated colors.

Because of all the properties mentioned above, metal roofs are also labor-efficient. They also require little to no maintenance. In the event that you need to repair your metal roof, however, there are services that provide roof repair Miami homeowners can count on. For more information on the installation of metal roofs, read the article at

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SM reveals promotional video for EXO?s showcase in Korea & China

This morning, we reported that SM Entertainment?s newest group EXO will hold showcases on March 31st in Korea and April 1st in China. To help promote this upcoming event, SM Entertainment?s official YouTube channel has shared a Promotional Clip.

The promotional video is made entirely of computer graphics and features an object traveling in space and entering the Earth?s atmosphere.

You can check out the video below and for more information on the showcase, you can visit

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Friday 23 March 2012

Average tax refund so far: about $3,000

By Allison Linn

The IRS has already handed out tens of millions of income tax refunds, and the average refund amount is about?$3,000.

IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman told a House subcommittee Thursday that the IRS had received more than 70 million individual tax returns as of March 10, up about 5 percent from the same time last year.

Shulman said the IRS had issued 59.2 million refunds as of March 10, for a total of $174 billion.

The $3,000 refunds are about the same as last year, according to Shulman?s testimony before a Ways and Means subcommittee.

If you?re more of a procrastinator than an early bird, don?t worry: You still have some time. The tax due?datehas been extended to April 17 this year.


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Podcast Basics For Maize MLM Business Bloggers | Wichita KS Mxi ...

Podcast Basics For Maize MLM Business Bloggers

Today?s Maize direct selling article is for Maize internet rookies who want to kick up their web marketing a notch by adding a podcast to their Maize home business blog.

A podcast is a multimedia file that is downloaded for playback on a mobile device such as an iPod or laptop computer. It can be a digital recording of a radio program or, more often, a program produced solely for online distribution. A podcast can be a recording of a webcast: a live Maize program that is ?streamed? or broadcast on the internet in real time. When this is the case, it is similar to a DVD recording of a live program that you store in the database of your playback device.

A related term is the acronym RSS which probably originally stood for Rich Site Summary feed but is sometimes used for Really Simple Syndication. You have probably seen the term RSS on websites. An RSS feed allows digital files to be downloaded in a standard format. Kechi podcast listeners often subscribe to favorite ongoing podcasts. When new podcasts are produced, they are automatically downloaded by RSS applications.

It is fairly simple hardware- and software-wise to product your own podcast for your Maize online business
. Your laptop may already have recording capability. If not, you can buy any equipment you need in the Kechi area.

Maize business owners operating on a shoestring will be happy to know that basic recording and editing software can be downloaded for free. If you want to get fancy, you can always buy more sophisticated software at Kansas specialty computer stores. I recommend using a headset microphone so the mic is always in the right spot to get a clear and consistent recording.

Now the fun part: what will you podcast? The possibilities are endless for Maize direct marketers. You can record Kansas trade show presentations, interviews with founding distributors of your Maize direct sales company, or create an entertaining pitch about your Kechi business opportunity. Let your expertise and enthusiasm shine.

Creating a podcast gives you a chance to connect with potential Maize customers or downline members in a personal way.

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Thursday 22 March 2012

Find the Best Surgeon to Undergo Cosmetic Surgery ? Beauty ...

The number of people undergoing breast enlargement surgery has increased by over 20% in the past few years in America alone. Women are opting for this cosmetic surgery to get the perfect breast size and shape. However, it is important to have realistic expectations from the surgery. In this procedure, you can increase the size of the breasts up to a certain limit. Surgeons also suggest the patients to avoid excessive sized breasts as it can cause shoulder and chest pain.

In addition, if you are on a shoe string budget, it would be wise to get a free quote of service from the doctor before the commencement of the surgery. However, it is extremely important that you undergo the cosmetic surgery from a highly skilled doctor having an experienced surgical team. The chosen surgeon must be certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Provide your medical records to the surgeon before going out for the surgery. It is important that you provide your medical history as well as other information, such as your lifestyle, stress level, and diet.

Another popular cosmetic surgery is Liposuction. It involves removal of excess fat deposits from underneath the skin with the aid of an instrument named cannula. Anesthesia is used before the start of surgery to curb any feeling of pain. The procedure can help both men and women to get the desired body shape. Crafted and chiseled body with picture perfect body shape is now possible with the help of this surgery. Many people opt for this procedure to remove extra deposits of fat in the chin. Some of them opt for it to remove excessive fat from thighs, back and more according to personal requirement. Fortunately the procedure is completely safe with high success rate. However, it is must to find a specialist beforehand having years of experience to their credit in cosmetic surgery. If you have any doubts regarding the procedure, you should clarify it prior to the surgery.

Nevertheless, in the past few years, cosmetic dentistry has also become quite popular, including teeth straightening. More and more are opting for it in order to enhance their looks. The forte of cosmetic dentistry is to provide the patients with a beautiful smile by repairing the structure of teeth by using dental veneers or treating any other issue like replacing a broken teeth or replacing it completely with a new one. Veneers find a great role in improving the size, color and shape of your teeth and ultimately broadening your brilliant smile. Fortunately, in the past few years, the cost of cosmetic surgery has decreased tremendously. Usually, the cost of procedure may vary from one case to another. It would be wise get a details about various cosmetic surgeons before finalizing a surgeon. Due to neck deep competition, many surgeons are offering bundle of discounts. A quick search on the web will help you in identifying the right service provider in no matter of time.

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Wednesday 21 March 2012

Spring Cleaning: Where Are The Insurance Policies?

Crowninshield Street in Peabody (Photo courtesy: Jim Palmer)

Crowninshield Street in Peabody (Photo courtesy: Jim Palmer)

BOSTON (CBS) ? Insurance is a financial tool. We buy protection for a catastrophic situation we don?t have enough money of our own to cover. Even Donald Trump buys insurance to protect what he?s got.

Gather up all of the insurance policies you have in your files. Sort by type of insurance first. For example, homeowners, renters, health, auto, life. Then check to see how many are outdated. You do not need your auto insurance policy from 2010 unless you had an accident and may still have a claim or are fighting the points.

If you have insurance through your employer get copies of the policies for your file. If something should happen to you, your family can easily find the important insurance policies if they are all in one place.

Once everything is organized take the time to review the policies. What do you really need? Why did you buy the insurance? We are often sold insurance by a sales person using a scare tactic.

Bad things do happen to us and we do need to protect the people we love but there is a need to be practical here as well. So if you are buying insurance take the time to compare prices. I just got a letter from an insurance company telling me that because I drive a Volvo they will give me a discount on my car and home owners insurance.

There are some types of insurance that you probably don?t need:

Credit Card Insurance: This is insurance that will pay off your credit card debt if you should die with a balance. This is insurance that protects the credit card company, not you. Better way to approach this problem would be to increase your life insurance so your heirs can pay off the debt.

Mortgage Insurance: Same thing, it protects the bank or the mortgage company.? It?s usually decreasing term life insurance. As your mortgage decreases, the amount of insurance decreases. Better idea; again increase your life insurance so that it covers paying off the mortgage if something should happen to you.

Life Insurance On Your Children: This is often controversial for there is always an exception, but most kids don?t need life insurance. They are better served if you have a good health insurance plan. And children?s life insurance is definitely not a good way to save for the kid?s college education.

Here you would be better served socking money away in the state?s 529-college plan to pay for a college education using the Massachusetts? UFund, which is managed by Fidelity.

Cancer Insurance Or Accidental Life Insurance: Yes, many people die from cancer and accidents, but more often than not they survive both with the new drugs to fight cancer and the use of seat belts. Again, you?ve heard it before, increase your life insurance.


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Tuesday 20 March 2012

Renovation of Kensington Palace unveiled

Matt Dunham / AP

In this picture taken with a fish-eye lens, people stand around the "luminous lace" light sculpture by designers Loop.pH in the Stone Hall during a press preview at what used to be the official residence of the late Princess Diana, Kensington Palace in London, Tuesday, March 20. Kensington Palace has been transformed following a 12 million pounds ($19 million, 14.4 million euro) restoration project timed to be completed for this summer's Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee and the London 2012 Olympics.

Andrew Winning / Reuters

A dress worn by Princess Diana is displayed in Kensington Palace which reopened today after a 12 million pound Sterling (19 million USD) renovation in central London on March 20.

Oli Scarff / Getty Images

A woman views an art installation in the Queen's Bed Chamber in Kensington Palace on March 20 in London, England. Kensington Palace is due to reopen to the public on March 26 following an extensive renovation project. The refurbishment has seen the renovation of the King and Queen's state apartments, a display of dresses worn by Diana, Princess of Wales and an exhibition charting the life of Queen Victoria.

Matt Dunham / AP

Models dressed as period courtiers pose for photographs on "the King's Staircase" during a press preview at what used to be the official residence of the late Princess Diana, Kensington Palace in London, Tuesday, March 20. Kensington Palace has been transformed following a 12 million pounds (US$19 million, euro14.4 million) restoration project timed to be completed for this summer's Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee and the London 2012 Olympics.

Andy Rain / EPA

Queen Victoria's living quarters are photographed through her devotion screen at Kensington Palace in London, Britain, on March 20. A major new exhibition unveiled as part of a 14 million euro transformation of Kensington Palace explores the life of Queen Victoria, Britain's longest serving monarch, and the palace's most famous resident Princess Diana. The Palace opens to the public on March 26.

For the first time since a $20 million renovation, Kensington Palace will open to the public with an exhibition of Princess Diana's favorite dresses. NBC's Michelle Kosinski reports.



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Monday 19 March 2012


What is breast cancer? Breast cancer happens when cells in the breast begin to grow out of control and invade nearby tissue or spread throughout the body. Large collections of this out of control tissue are called tumors. Some tumors are not really cancer because they cannot spread or threaten someone?s life. These are called benign tumors. The tumors that spread throughout the body or invade nearby tissue are considered cancer and are called malignant tumors. Theoretically, any of the types of tissue in the breast can form a cancer, but usually it comes from either the ducts or the glands. Because it may take months to years for a tumor to get large enough to feel in the breast, we screen for tumors with mammograms, which can sometimes see disease before we can feel it.

Am I at risk for breast cancer? Breast cancer is the most common malignancy affecting women in North America and Europe. Every woman is at risk for breast cancer. The lifetime risk of any particular woman getting breast cancer is about 1 in 8 although the lifetime risk of dying from breast cancer is much lower at 1 in 28. Risk factors for breast cancer can be divided into those that you cannot change and those that you can change. Some factors that increase your risk of breast cancer that you cannot alter include being a woman, getting older, having a family history (having a mother, sister, or daughter with breast cancer doubles your risk), having a previous history of breast cancer, having had radiation therapy to the chest region, being Caucasian, getting your periods young (before 12 years old), having your menopause late (after 50 years old), never having children or having them when you are older than 30, and having a genetic mutation that increases your risk. Genetic mutations for breast cancer have become a hot topic of research lately. Between 3% to 10% of breast cancers may be related to changes in either the gene BRCA1 or the gene BRCA2. Women can inherit these mutations from their parents and it may be worth testing for either mutation if a woman has a particularly strong family history of breast cancer (meaning multiple relatives affected, especially if they are under 50 years old when they get the disease). If a woman is found to carry either mutation, she has a 50% chance of getting breast cancer before she is 70. Family members may elect to get tested to see if they carry the mutation as well. If a woman does have the mutation, she can get more rigorous screening or even undergo preventive (prophylactic) mastectomies to decrease her chances of contracting cancer. The decision to get tested is a highly personal one that should be discussed with a doctor who is trained in counseling patients about genetic testing. Certain factors which increase a woman?s risk of breast cancer can be altered including taking hormone replacement therapy (long term use of estrogens with progesterone for menopause symptoms slightly increases your risk), taking birth control pills (a very slight increased risk that disappears in women who have stopped them for over 10 years), not breastfeeding, drinking 2 to 5 alcoholic drinks a day, being overweight (especially after menopause), and not exercising. All of these modifiable risk factors are not nearly as important as gender, age, and family history, but they are things that a woman can control that may reduce her chances of developing a breast malignancy. Remember that all risk factors are based on probabilities, and even someone without any risk factors can still get breast cancer. Proper screening and early detection are our best weapons in reducing the mortality associated with this disease. How can I prevent breast cancer? The most important risk factors for the development of breast cancer cannot be controlled by the individual. There are some risk factors that are associated with an increased risk, but there is not a clear cause and effect relationship. In no way can strong recommendations be made like the cause and effect relationship seen with tobacco and lung cancer. There are a few risk factors that may be modified by a woman that potentially could influence the development of breast cancer. If possible, a woman should avoid long-term hormone replacement therapy, have children before age 30, breastfeed, avoid weight gain through exercise and proper diet, and limit alcohol consumption to 1 drink a day or less. What screening tests are available? The earlier breast cancer is found, the more likely it can be treated and cured. For this reason, we use mammograms, clinical breast exams, and breast self-exams. Screening mammograms are simply x-rays of each breast. The breast is placed between two plates for a few seconds while the x-rays are taken. If something appears abnormal, or better views are needed, magnified views or specially angled films are taken during the mammogram. Mammograms often detect tumors before they can be felt and they can also identify tiny specks of calcium that could be an early sign of cancer. Regular screening mammograms can decrease the mortality of breast cancer by 30%. The majority of breast cancer cases are associated with abnormal mammographic findings. Woman should get a yearly mammogram starting at age 40 (although some groups recommend starting at 50), and women with a genetic mutation that increases their risk or a strong family history may want to begin even earlier. Between the ages of 20 and 39, every woman should have a clinical breast exam every 3 years; and after age 40 every woman should have a clinical breast exam done each year. A clinical breast exam is an exam done by a health professional to feel for lumps and look for changes in the size or shape of your breasts. During the clinical breast exam, you can learn how to do a breast self-exam. Every woman should do a self breast exam once a month, about a week after her period ends. If you find any changes in your breasts, you need to contact your doctor. What are the signs of breast cancer? Unfortunately, the early stages of breast cancer may not have any symptoms. This is why it is important to follow screening recommendations. As a tumor grows in size, it can produce a variety of symptoms including: ? lump or thickening in the breast or underarm ? change in size or shape of the breast ? nipple discharge or nipple turning inward ? redness or scaling of the skin or nipple ? ridges or pitting of the breast skin If you experience these symptoms, it doesn?t necessarily mean you have breast cancer, but you need to be examined by a doctor.

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Sunday 18 March 2012

Leasing Residence In South Africa - Annuaire Tunisie

Located southerly from the Tropic associated with Capricorn, South Africa looks forward to a nice Mediterranean sea environment together with sunny days for some of the season. With it is picturesque tradition, it?s many neighborhood wine beverages properties along with relaxed lifestyle, South Africa isn?t only one of many prime holidaymaker destinations on earth, but additionally one of many countries that draws the most real estate property opportunities along with real estate property rental offers more regularly annually on earth.

South Africa is often a safe place pertaining to residence rental in the the long term along with short-run field as a result of affordable rate requested prime attributes. There?s no question in which since statement from the The year of 2010 Fifa world cup World Cup organised within South Africa, the house rental market offers multiplied. A huge number of bardzo tanie pozycjonowanie z malym budzetem Fifa world cup World Cup followers are hoped for within every one of the Southern Photography equipment urban centers along with the residents have captured upon ? by using prime Southern Photography equipment attributes right now to enable them to become hired to people from other countries if the The year of 2010 Fifa world cup Worldcup will come.

It really is significant events like the The year of 2010 World Cup along with the more recent ?07 Cpe Argus Never-ending cycle Tour in which transmits an important boost towards the residence rental market while property owners know they?ll have their rental rent authorized quickly guaranteed as many will likely be looking for decent lodging.

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Using the earlier mentioned getting just 15 from the prime Fifty residence rental regions in the Developed Cpe, South Africa, it must be the problem picking out the best residence. Don?t allow the phrase residence rental throw a person away from study course; you could possibly only end up keeping the rental residence provided the average joe stays in your home they?ve purchased which means you require related standards. You should have a specific signal of the form of residence you are looking for, regardless of whether you are a beginner in the residence market or perhaps a real estate property guru.

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Regardless of whether you?re in look for from the best bachelor?s sleep pad or an available strategy attic room condominium in a very prime place associated with Cpe Area, it is advisable to ensure that the place is right for you before you sign the records. Visit your probable place at least twice with distinct times during the the morning, which include run hr, to help you obtain a common feel for the place. Additionally just be sure you jot down important things to ask the realtor in regards to the residence, as an illustration if you?re searching for several tranquility it will be within your passions to question the realtor in the event that you will find any railway channels in the area or another source of continual noise each day.

Your tenant?s protection under the law relating to residence rental

Shifting to an alternative residence can be a stressful time period. To the residence rental operator a minimum of it?s not necessary to worry about the responsibilities that can come regular together with keeping the premises; this is the landlord?s work. Owners of the house have entitlement to live in the house peacefully without any exterior interference in the house owner as well as property manager. The house operator isn?t able to enter his residence with no authorization from the renter simply because this will likely be the attack upon privacy. Lawfully the house operator accounts for keeping the surface along with structure from the residence and may maintain it in a very liveable condition for the renter. The typical repair of the house includes fuel installation, making sure almost all electronic stores come in working buy, preserving the drain pipes associated with basins, comes, bathing pools and also other drain pipes around the house unclogged along with repairing strain in the case of the clog up, geyser installation along with being sure that the geyser is at working buy. If the renter offers authorized an agreement with all the house owner concerning the common repair of your house, then the renter is actually eligible to send out the complaint towards the ecological wellness office in the event the servicing isn?t adopted by way of.

Prior to signing the procurment agreement to book residence within South Africa, you should have thought about these concerns:

Is the area peaceful as well as raucous?

Do you feel comfortable and safe in the surrounding area?

Just how shut may be the residence towards the city, food markets, colleges maybe workplace?

Just how much may be the local authority or council taxes?

In the event you individual a motor vehicle, are there secure car parking around the residence?

Are you able to spend the money for month to month rental ?

Regardless of whether you?re specialist within residence rental, smart to each and every strategy from the industry or perhaps a beginner in the residence rental market, having the initial methods associated with self-sufficiency in to the strange world of booking can be perplexing. A few property owners certainly are a little bit fussier than the others and some attributes will need a bit more servicing than the others.

In case you are serious about booking the best favour you can do on your own is always to look into the residence along with the house owner extensively and ensure who?s matches your requirements. Along with setting up a fantastic relationship together with your property manager may be the 1st step to ensure the encounters within your apartment will likely be pleasurable.

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Checking off symptoms online affects our perceptions of risk

ScienceDaily (Mar. 16, 2012) ? You've been feeling under the weather. You Google your symptoms. A half-hour later, you're convinced it's nothing serious -- or afraid you have cancer. More than 60 percent of Americans get their health information online, and a majority of those decide whether to see a doctor based on what they find. "Wow, this is an era of self-diagnosis," thought Arizona State University psychologist Virginia Kwan, learning that statistic. How might information accessed online affect individual health decisions?

In a new study, Kwan and her colleagues found that the way information is presented -- specifically, the order in which symptoms are listed -- makes a significant difference. "People irrationally infer more meanings from a 'streak'" -- an uninterrupted series whether of high rolls of the dice or disease symptoms of consecutively reported symptoms. If they check off more symptoms in a row, the research found, "they perceive a higher personal risk of having that illness." The study -- conducted with Sean Wojcik of the University of California, Irvine, Talya Miron-shatz of Ono Academic College, Ashley Votruba of ASU, and Christopher Olivola of the University of Warwick -- appears in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

Surveying cancer-related sites, the researchers discovered that these vary in the way they present common and mild -- or "general" -- symptoms and more specific and serious ones. To test how streaks affect risk perception, students were presented with lists of six symptoms of a fictional kind of thyroid cancer ("isthmal"). One group got three general symptoms (such as fatigue and weight fluctuation) followed by three specific ones (e.g., lump in the neck); another the reverse order; and the third group a list alternating between general and specific. Participants checked off symptoms they'd experienced in the previous six weeks and then rated their perceived likelihood of having the cancer. The first two orders yielded similar risk ratings. But the ratings were significantly lower when the list alternated.

A second experiment compared lists of 12 or 6 symptoms, this time for a real cancer, meningioma. The three orders were the same as in the first experiment. The effect of order disappeared for the longer, but not the shorter, list -- that is, the influence of streaks was diluted when the list was longer. It's possible that even if a participant checked a series of symptoms -- leading to suspicion of disease -- boxes left unchecked offered reassurance of to the contrary, the authors think.

The findings could prove useful for public health education, Kwan says. "With certain types of illnesses, people tend to seek medical attention at the latest stage." Meanwhile, "people also go to doctors asking all the time about illnesses that are very rare." To encourage people to seek earlier health screenings, grouping common and mild symptoms might be wise. To limit overreaction, the rare ones should top the list. Reaching particular populations is also a public health challenge. "College students think they are invincible," says Kwan. "There are ways to structure information to help them realize there are diseases that don't discriminate."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Association for Psychological Science.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. V. S. Y. Kwan, S. P. Wojcik, T. Miron-shatz, A. M. Votruba, C. Y. Olivola. Effects of Symptom Presentation Order on Perceived Disease Risk. Psychological Science, 2012; DOI: 10.1177/0956797611432177

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Saturday 17 March 2012

Power Up with Nutrition and Fitness | myplate2yours

Early-bird registration for this unique event ends?tomorrow, Friday, March 16th,?at 5p.? Please don?t miss it!? Hope you can make it!!

Do you want to approach life with energy, stamina, and strength? Power Up with Nutrition and Fitness is a 2-hour event offering simple, realistic nutrition and fitness ideas that will help you live every day with vitality.

Cathy Leman kicks off the event by sharing the top 3 reasons for adding weight training to your fitness routine. If your goal is aging with strength, agility and life-long weight maintenance, strength training is the non-negotiable fitness routine you can?t afford to skip.

Next, Lynn Dugan prepares an appetizer and two entrees for you to taste and enjoy. Our menu emphasizes the wide-reaching health benefits and great flavor of a plant-based diet.? You will sample White Bean Dip with Herbs, Asian Lettuce Cups, and Roasted Eggplant Curry.? The recipes are deliciously easy to make and will be provided for take-home.

When?? Thursday, March 22, 2012, 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Where?? NutriFit Fitness Studio, 526 Crescent Blvd., #233, Glen Ellyn, IL

Cost?? $40 per person registered by March 16; $45 after March 16.

How to register?? Email or Call 630-469-6548 by 5p Tuesday, 3/20/12

Space is limited, register early!!




Cathy Leman, MA, RD, LD is the founder and owner of NutriFit, a nutrition therapy practice, private personal training studio, and worksite nutrition services company. Through NutriFit, Cathy blends nutrition and fitness to help people create healthy relationships with food, address body image concerns, control nutritionally-managed medical conditions, and maintain physical independence throughout the lifespan.

Cathy is a registered, licensed dietitian, certified as a personal trainer through the National Strength & Conditioning Association, and holds a Master?s degree in health psychology.

Lynn Dugan, MS, RD, is the founder of Myplate2yours, Inc., and a dedicated nutrition and health advocate for active people.? Lynn understands that life is busy and feeding a family with good nutrition is challenging.? Myplate2yours empowers active people with nutrition and health information. Lynn conducts cooking sessions to make healthy eating a reality and hosts a blog at

Lynn is a registered dietitian, holds a Master?s degree in exercise physiology, and is the mother of four active children.

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Friday 16 March 2012

Vehicle Technology is on Information Superhighway Racing | Mobile ...

More than five years to one of the American automaker a plan for Bluetooth-controlled technology to the forefront of their vehicles to carry. Since then, nearly all manufacturers provide race vehicle to introduce new technologies as quickly as possible. Many consumers embrace new technologies, while a significant number have raised the question ? is it gone too far?

In the spring of 2011, actually Consumer Reports, a consumer magazine well, had a negative critique of the then-new 2011 Ford Edge equipped with the new MyFord touch technology. Your editorial claimed vehicle technology was not ?user friendly?. They felt that vehicle manufacturers are technology forcing down the throats of consumers.

On the other side of the coin, technology, mobile phone companies for the consumer smart phone technology as its own competitors. There?s an app for this and an app for it and it was inevitable that the demand for smartphone technology will affect the sale of cars.

Today almost everyone uses a cell phone. It?s hard for anyone using a cell phone, only to find that ?speak?. Most checking e-mail, SMS, listen to music and playing videos and games.

In the last century. The ultimate goal of a teenager with a driver?s license and own car The current pre-teens want to talk and unlimited data plan and a smartphone!

It is based on now to the point that consumers are using their car buying decisions on technology in the car! In other words, ? ?I do not want the car, unless I can get my music streaming Bluetooth!?

Ford Motor Company was the lead SYNC hands-free communication system, which it introduced in 2007. This system uses voice commands and steering wheel mounted controls, to keep it simple for drivers to their concentration on the road, while an incoming and outgoing calls.

When it comes to technology, all manufacturers have something ? Intellilink GM, Dodge and Chrysler UConnect, Kia has its UVO, Toyota has a Blu-technology, and the list goes on. The purpose of the carmaker has hands-free technology allows to make and receive calls with Bluetooth mobile phones. It was just the beginning.

Ford system MyFord Touch system, developed first introduced on the 2011 Edge and Explorer models. These systems have an on-board computer that resembles a laptop computer and receive voice commands for phone calls, text messages on the selection of audio entertainment, climate control and adaptation help find places to do.

The challenge for Ford, it?s a system that spoke to a number of mobile phones, mobile phone companies, different types of mobile software systems, to customers who could not with a lisp or can not be understood by the computer works. create

Ford engineers, with the help of a systems by Microsoft, which is currently beta-testing of a new operating system. This editor has used the beta test, and found it to be much better. It is easier to read, faster to navigate through the screens and it seems that the computer voice commands to understand a little better. Within months, Ford rolled its new operating system software for existing customers to ?upgrade? their system and the new Ford cars are based on this new software system.

The story of the car is a little weird, right? It is one thing, the development of mechanical technologies such as engines, transmissions and brakes to see. It?s a surprise for the automaker in software and computer business to see. Next we will hear the TV spots for a powerful, fast new car, but instead of horsepower, they are talking about computer-megahertz speed! Or maybe Dell will start selling computers with seats and amazing seven Internet connections. Is the vehicle on the highway and highway, built, or both?

Consumers do not really need to ?kick the tires? is no longer on a new vehicle. They need to know what technology they can use in their vehicle. The Internet has become a necessary tool for car shopping. When they have a vehicle that customers should know, because they do not use all these features.


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